Teller Report

Doctors sound the alarm: Forced to deal with life-threatening conditions - even though they lack identification

10/30/2022, 9:56:51 PM

In September, SVT Nyheter Västernorrland told about abuses in the emergency room at Sollefteå and Örnsköldsvik hospitals. We have since been in contact with ten former and current AT doctors, who confirm the picture from the Ivo reports. - It's downright horrible, I've cried on several occasions, says one of them.

The AT doctors testify to unreasonable work shifts, threatened patient safety and post-traumatic stress as a result of handling life-threatening conditions alone, without identification.

The alarm from the emergency room has been echoing in Västernorrland for a long time.

Over the course of a year, several information matters were sent to Ivo about a work situation with many serious deficiencies.

The reports state fear of reprisals, that young doctors feel too much responsibility in relation to their competence and patient safety is threatened when lone AT doctors staff an entire emergency department.

"I had never recommended a relative to visit either Örnsköldsvik or Sollefteå hospital"

The person behind the quote is one of the ten doctors that SVT Nyheter Västernorrland has been in contact with and who did their public service in Örnsköldsvik and Sollefteå.

She has recently been an AT doctor at one of the hospitals and tells us that she would rather refer her relatives to a hospital where the emergency room is staffed by licensed personnel, even though the journey would then be considerably longer.

"Örnsköldsvik or Sollefteå hospitals have no quality review whatsoever, that is, patients with potentially life-threatening conditions are handled by completely alone AT doctors where there is a high risk of patient harm," the doctor writes to SVT.

"I don't know if it has been worth feeling mentally ill"

The people we have spoken to have done their public service for different years and therefore have different experiences.

Most express that they have learned a lot during their time alone in the emergency room - but many also ask themselves the question: At what cost?

For example, a person SVT has spoken to has experienced symptoms of post-traumatic stress.

- I don't know if it has been worth feeling mentally ill and feeling completely numb for such a long period, says another doctor.

In the clip: Hear some of the AT doctors tell in their own words, read by SVT's reporters, what the situation for AT doctors actually looks like.