Teller Report

Bodour Al Qasimi to the book makers: We have a role in protecting the future of the earth

10/30/2022, 10:21:09 PM

Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, President of the International Publishers Association, stressed the need for book makers to have a spirit of cooperation and solidarity to face the challenges that stand in the way of the growth and development of the publishing sector.

The “Publishers Conference” kicks off with an unprecedented presence

Bodour Al Qasimi to the book makers: We have a role in protecting the future of the earth

  • Bodour Al Qasimi emphasized the need for publishers to have a spirit of cooperation and solidarity.

    From the source

  • Ahmed Al-Amri: “The publishing sector has been able to prove on more than one occasion its high flexibility and superior ability to find innovative solutions.”


Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, President of the International Publishers Association, stressed the need for book makers to have a spirit of cooperation and solidarity to face the challenges that stand in the way of the growth and development of the publishing sector. In order to search for sustainable solutions for the future of this vital sector.

Amid an unprecedented presence of publishers and literary agents from around the world, the 12th edition of the Publishers Conference, organized by the Sharjah Book Authority, started yesterday at the Sharjah Expo Center over a period of three days, prior to the start of the 41st edition of the Sharjah International Book Fair, which begins next Wednesday.

Sheikha Bodour Al Qasimi said: "Sustainability has become a major topic in our discussions, for an obvious reason. The world is changing before our eyes, and we must all do our part in protecting the future of the Earth."

She pointed out that it is not easy for publishers to retreat from the operations and business models that they have been practicing for hundreds of years, stressing that this change has become a necessity, and if it is not from within according to the publishers' conditions, they will be forced to change due to external developments.

And I sent a message: “Let us learn from our past mistakes, and let us not move at different speeds when it comes to sustainability. Work unit.

For his part, Ahmed bin Rakkad Al Ameri, Chairman of the Sharjah Book Authority, said: “With the launch of the Publishers Conference, we renew our pledge that the emirate will remain a continuous sponsor of the publishing sector, which represents one of the main pillars of the Sharjah cultural project, which continues and grows under the directives and visions of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, which aims to build a knowledge society and enhance the role of writers in achieving comprehensive and sustainable development.

He added: "The sector has been able to prove on more than one occasion its high flexibility and superior ability to find innovative solutions, and today we renew our promise to provide assistance to all workers in this field," noting that this year's conference provided 950 tables in the hall designated for meetings of publishers and specialists.

President of the International Federation of Publishers:

• “Let's work as a global team to create sustainable solutions together so that we can move forward together, let's not leave anyone behind.”

guest of honor session

Yesterday, the activities of the first day of the 12th edition of the Publishers Conference witnessed a dialogue session for Italy, which is the guest of honor at the Sharjah International Book Fair. Carlo Galucci, Managing Editor at Hubli Marco Sprozzi, and moderated by Jax Thomas of Bologna Book Plus.

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