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A donor takes care of the spine surgery for "Umm Muhammad".. (Video)

10/30/2022, 10:09:03 PM

A donor has paid 81,000 dirhams for the treatment expenses of (Umm Muhammad, Syria, 46 years old), who suffers from a health problem in the nerves and bones, and a narrowing of the spine in the lumbar region in the lower back, and she needs an urgent surgery, to treat the lumbar fusion, in hospital

Pay 81 thousand dirhams to get rid of her suffering

A donor takes care of the spine surgery for "Umm Muhammad".. (Video)

Umm Muhammad is preparing for the operation.

From the source

A donor has paid 81,000 dirhams for the treatment expenses of (Umm Muhammad, Syria, 46 years old), who suffers from a health problem in the nerves and bones, and a narrowing of the spine in the lumbar region in the lower back, and she needs an urgent surgery, to treat the lumbar fusion, at Tawam Hospital in Al Ain.

The "hotline" was coordinated between the donor and the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai, to transfer the donation amount to the patient's account at Tawam Hospital, and "Emirates Today" published on the 21st of this month the problem of (Umm Muhammad), which began when family disputes occurred with her husband. , ended in divorce, and her ex-husband left the state, leaving her alone with her two sons, facing the circumstances of life, and she did her best to provide a decent life for her two sons so that they would not feel any shortcoming in all aspects of life.

She was forced to work as a private tutor for the neighbors' children, and she was hard on herself in order to provide home requests and tuition fees for her two sons, so that she was working long hours, and succeeded in running the house affairs on her own, and her two sons reached university, but she faced major financial problems, even her son Al-Kabeer finished his university studies, but he was unable to receive the university degree, due to the accumulation of university arrears on him, and her other daughter is still studying at the university.

The increased effort led to her injuries with health problems as a result of constant fatigue, pointing out that a year ago, she had severe fatigue and the inability to move normally, accompanied by severe back pain, and she went to a hospital in Ras Al Khaimah, and after conducting the necessary examinations and x-rays, the disease was diagnosed. A problem with the nerves and bones.

She went to a government hospital, and it turned out that she had a narrowing of the spine in the lumbar region in the lower back, and the doctor decided to perform an operation, but the problem was that her financial circumstances did not allow her to perform the surgery, and a charitable organization took care of the entire expenses of the operation, and during the surgery complications occurred, and the heart stopped She stopped her pulse twice in the operating room, after which she was transferred to the intensive care unit, under close medical observation, and she is still receiving medical care in the hospital.

As a result of her poor health, her daughter addressed several hospitals in the country, including Tawam Hospital in the city of Al Ain, and sent all medical reports, examinations and x-rays, and they were answered by Tawam Hospital, and subsequently she was transferred by ambulance to Tawam Hospital to conduct some tests and analyzes. She was returned to the previous hospital, and the treating doctor confirmed that he could perform the surgery she needed, which cost 81,321 dirhams, and this amount was beyond her modest financial capabilities.

She (Umm Muhammad), shedding tears of joy, said that her happiness cannot be described as the good of the donation, pointing out that the UAE is known for its giving and love of humanitarian work, and helping everyone in need, especially sick cases, pointing out that she has not stopped thanking God since receiving the news of the donation, which Bring happiness to all family members.

• Increasing the effort and burdens led to the injury of "Umm Muhammad" by merging the lumbar vertebrae.

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