Teller Report

Modern Diplomacy: Poland plans to seize Western Ukraine

10/29/2022, 6:26:24 PM

Poland is preparing to seize the lands of Western Ukraine and hold a referendum there, writes the Belgian portal Modern Diplomacy.

“The plan of the Law and Justice party to revive the Republic of Poland within the boundaries of the “historical lands” seems to have taken shape long before the Russian military operation in Ukraine,” the article says.

According to the publication, Poland intends to send the military to the western part of Ukraine and hold a referendum there.

At that time, according to the plan of the Polish side, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be completely defeated, and the current Ukrainian government will leave the country.

Earlier, the head of the Polish government, Mateusz Morawiecki, said that the leaders of some EU countries admit that the conflict in Ukraine will end in the defeat of Kyiv.

Prior to this, Morawiecki said that Warsaw spent about 1% of the country's GDP on helping Ukraine.