Teller Report

Meghan and Harry, with the trans 'sirens' that JK Rowling battles

10/29/2022, 4:44:23 PM

She is the creator of one of the greatest fantastic worlds in the history of literature in recent decades. However, in this way -as a fantasy- it usually refers to...

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She is the creator of one of the greatest fantastic worlds in the history of literature in recent decades.

However, in this way -as a fantasy- it usually refers to the transgender universe


JK Rowling (57) has started her crusade against the queer movement.

For years, the author of the Harry Potter saga

has been singled out by various organizations and people who accuse her of being transphobic


She is very active on Twitter, since 2020 she has published various opinions that have been branded as offensive to trans people.

She came to be criticized by some fans

and even by actors who achieved fame thanks to her pen.

Daniel Radcliffe (33) and Emma Watson (32) became

known worldwide thanks to holding the wands of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger

in the film adaptation of Rowling's novels.

And, although the young interpreters have long since emancipated themselves from the walls of Hogwarts, they have been in the position of giving their opinion on the ideas of the writer,

about which they radically spoke out against


In the case of the author's favorite girl, this went beyond her when she decided in 2021 to donate money to the Mermaids Gender association.

A group for trans and non-binary children that has divided British society,

especially famous people with fixed ideas.

The Dukes of Sussex, Harry and Meghan MarkleGTRES

Founded in 1995, the Mermaids Gender group made headlines again last September for having new public support: that of Prince Harry (38) and Meghan Markle (41).

Through their charitable foundation, Archewell,

the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have financed and given visibility to this society

that is now in the spotlight.

An investigation by

The Daily Telegraph

suggests that Mermaids

has offered chest bandages to girls and informed minors about hormone blockers

and all kinds of processes to make a possible transition.

However, it is not the only scandal that drags the controversial organization.

With which LOC has tried to speak,

obtaining a rejection for not being an English-language medium.

Despite the fact that the questions were formulated in that language.

"The chairman of Mermaids Gender's board of directors recently

swore that Mermaids 'is not a medical organisation'.

Now an investigation reveals they are advising boys about

puberty blockers and providing bandages to underage girls ."

of age

without parental consent," said JK Rowling via Twitter upon hearing the news

of the sponsorship that Harry and Meghan offer to the controversial NGO.

To argue her opinion, the writer used a series of reports that denounced alleged harmful practices for minors.

Actress Emma Watson, interpreter of Hermione in Harry PotterGTRES

On September 25,

The Daily Telegraph

published an exclusive report claiming that Mermaids Gender

gave 14-year-old girls breast-flattening devices

, in many cases against their parents' wishes.

In addition to having several witnesses, from the media they posed

as a minor who requested the counseling services of the NGO

, which agreed to recommend information to the false adolescent without prior psychological care or parental consent.

From the organization they defended themselves by ensuring that they wanted to reduce the damage by offering

"comprehensive security guidelines from an experienced staff member".

Communicating that "is preferable to the likely alternative of unsafe practices or increased dysphoria."

In the same investigation, they noted that the group told children and parents that

"hormone-blocking drugs are safe and fully reversible."

A statement with which the majority of the medical community does not agree.

On the other hand,

many pediatricians are warning of the damage caused by other practices typical of the trans world,

such as taking testosterone or the use of bras designed to flatten the breasts.

In extreme cases, the use of these types of devices can lead

to breathing difficulties, chronic back pain, spinal tightness, or even broken ribs.

The author of the Harry Potter series, JKRowlingGTRES

Currently, Mermaids Gender is being investigated by the Charity Commission,

an entity designed to supervise British charities


To the long sum of current complaints, they are joined by a newspaper library with a page that is too raw.

Last October, Dr. Jacob Breslow, trustee of the group, was forced to leave Mermaids after speaking at a conference of a

support group for pedophiles, who defined themselves as "people attracted to minors"

and which he attended as part of his doctoral thesis.

The NGO stated that it did not agree with the pedophilia, subsequently apologizing and opening an investigation.

Mermaids, translated as Mermaids in Spanish, continues

to enjoy the affection of people and companies that believe in what they stand for


In December 2018, the charity received £500,000 thanks to a grant from the British National Lottery.

Politicians such as the American socialist parliamentarian Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have also shown their sympathy towards this group that was born in the 1990s after

a meeting of parents concerned about the gender dysphoria manifested by their children.

In 2016, the group managed to be recognized as a charity.

Title that could be lost if the accusations against him are proven.

The American socialist congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-CortezGTRES

Beyond specific personalities,

Mermaids has received the support of another siren, that of Starbucks, and of the Dr. Martens shoe company


Ignoring the media noise, it seems that Mermaids is still going strong and that

her songs continue to attract many young people who want to change their sex as soon as possible


Meanwhile, JK Rowling insists that the celebrities who advertised this association on her day should

"feel ashamed for harming the health of hundreds of minors."

On the other side of the coin, her director, Susie Green, is proud and

happy that her daughter is one of the youngest people to undergo sex reassignment surgery

in her country.

With Mermaids, JK Rowling

seems to have found a fantastic animal


In front of her is a reality that, no matter how much she writes, will not magically disappear.

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