Teller Report

Dozens dead and injured in two explosions at the Ministry of Education in Somalia

10/29/2022, 5:26:29 PM

Dozens were killed or injured in two car bomb explosions in the Somali Ministry of Education in the capital, Mogadishu, on Saturday, the police and the official news agency said.

Dozens dead and injured in two explosions at the Ministry of Education in Somalia

Dozens of people were killed or injured in two car bomb explosions in the Somali Ministry of Education in the capital, Mogadishu, on Saturday, the police and the official news agency said.

It was not known who carried out the two explosions, but Al-Shabab often carried out bombings and weapons attacks in Mogadishu and other places.

"Two car bombs hit the walls of the ministry," said police captain Nour Farah.

Farah added in a statement to Reuters that the first explosion hit the walls of the ministry building, then the second explosion occurred as ambulances arrived and people gathered to help the victims.

A policeman guarding the ministry told Reuters after giving his name as Hassan that he saw at least 12 dead bodies and more than 20 wounded.

The official Somali News Agency said the two explosions had caused "dozens of civilian casualties, including freelance journalist Mohamed Issa Kuna."

A Reuters journalist near the scene said that the two explosions occurred within minutes of each other, and that windows around the place were smashed.

Blood from the victims of the two explosions covered the road directly outside the ministry.

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