Teller Report

Neymar is innocent of fraud and corruption charges in the "Grand Deal"

10/28/2022, 1:02:36 PM

The public prosecutor of the court said that Spanish prosecutors have dropped all fraud and corruption charges against Brazilian soccer player Neymar and other defendants in connection with the grand deal for his transfer from Brazilian Santos to Barcelona in 2013.

Neymar is innocent of fraud and corruption charges in the "Grand Deal"

The public prosecutor of the court said that Spanish prosecutors have dropped all fraud and corruption charges against Brazilian footballer Neymar and other defendants in connection with the grand deal for his transfer from Brazilian Santos to Barcelona in 2013.

Prosecutors demanded a two-year prison sentence for Neymar along with a fine of 10 million Euros ($9.95 million).

A source close to Neymar's family told Reuters that their representative, Baker McKenzie, will demand the prosecution authorities to bear the costs of the case and the right of his clients to seek compensation.

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