Teller Report

Sechin called the idea of ​​a ceiling on hydrocarbon prices an attack on the sovereignty of suppliers

10/27/2022, 7:43:44 AM

Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin commented on the idea of ​​a hydrocarbon price ceiling at the Verona Eurasian Economic Forum in Baku.

“In fact, the introduction of ceilings (hydrocarbon prices. -


) is an attack not only on the foundations of the market, but also on the foundations of sovereignty.

That is, the idea, in fact, is to abolish the sovereign rights of countries to their own resources, because the “right” countries that lack resources need them more than the “wrong ones,” RIA Novosti quotes him.

Earlier, the US Treasury proposed to set the maximum price for Russian oil in the region of $60.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Russia will not act to its own detriment if Western countries impose a price ceiling on Russian energy resources.

Also, the head of the analytical department of AMarkets, Artyom Deev, in an interview with FAN, assessed the potential for increasing the volume of Russian oil trade with countries such as South Korea, Vietnam, South America and Africa.