Teller Report

Sechin: states strive to preserve sovereignty and refuse to pay in dollars

10/27/2022, 7:49:50 AM

Many states seek to preserve their sovereignty and refuse to pay in dollars, Igor Sechin, head of the Rosneft company, said at the Verona Eurasian Economic Forum in Baku.

“We are seeing the desire of states that want to maintain their sovereignty to abandon settlements in dollars.

This process has been launched, and it is irreversible, ”RIA Novosti quotes him.

Sechin said that the Central Banks of Asia and the Middle East are creating bilateral currency swap lines with the intention of strengthening their own financial systems and reducing the risks of dependence on the dollar. 

Earlier, Iran's supreme leader's adviser on international affairs, former Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati said that the refusal of Russia and China from settlements in dollars is good progress.

French economist, scientific adviser to the Paris Center for Advanced Study and International Information Michel Aglietta previously expressed the opinion that the crisis in Ukraine will push the world to abandon the hegemony of the dollar, strengthening the position of the yuan at the international level.