Teller Report

Putin expressed confidence in the global growth in the volume of settlements in national currencies

10/27/2022, 3:14:06 PM

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed confidence in the global growth in the volume of settlements in national currencies.

“Using the dollar as a weapon, the United States and the West as a whole have discredited the institution of international financial reserves... the transition to settlements in national currencies will actively gain momentum.

It's unavoidable.

This, of course, will depend on the state and level of the issuers of these currencies, the state of their economies, but this will strengthen,” he said.

Natalya Milchakova, a leading analyst at Freedom Finance Global, spoke earlier about the prospects for de-dollarization in international settlements.

As the expert predicts, in a few years the main currencies of settlements between the BRICS countries may become the digital yuan and the digital ruble, and in the future, the state digital currencies of other BRICS countries.