Teller Report

Accused for her silence on Lola, We All refuse any recovery

10/26/2022, 2:55:49 PM

The feminist collective We All are accused of not communicating on the murder of the 12-year-old girl, but this is not their expertise

  • After the murder of Lola, a 12-year-old teenager, found in a trunk in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, demonstrations took place all over France to denounce the laxity of the State about the main suspect, followed by an OQTF.

  • Mainly coming from the right and the extreme right, the accusations have also targeted feminists, who are said to be too silent on this subject.

  • The association We All has been targeted, except that this collective is only specialized in “sexist and sexual violence”.

Since the discovery of the body of little Lola, 12, in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, the case has shaken all spheres of society.

On the political side in particular, the right and the far right have accused the State of its inaction regarding the alleged murderer covered by an Obligation to leave French territory (OQTF).

Besides the state, feminists are also singled out for their silence.

"Disappearance alert: feminists concerning the assassination of Lola", quips a Twittos.

On Facebook and Instagram, a post published by the media Occidentis went viral at the end of last week.

The media points the finger in particular at the We All association.

“In a private conversation consulted by Occidentis, the association NousToutes declares that it does not want to communicate on the Lola affair because it does not wish to become the “miscellaneous facts section of a newspaper” otherwise “we would publish every day”.

“Very quickly, the reactions are going well under the publication.

"All of us, it depends with whom," accuses one.

"All of us (except those attacked by immigrants), it would not be a question of making amalgams", denounces the other.

To understand "this silence",

20 Minutes

went to meet the feminist collective.


Tuesday, October 18, Georges Jordito - director of the media Le Livre Noir - publishes this so-called conversation held with the collective We All on his Twitter account.

“Why don't you talk about little Lola who was massacred this weekend?

», asks the person.

"Not enough information to know if it's a feminicide at the moment", answers the collective, before adding later in the conversation: "You must know us badly.

In the comments, the association will be widely accused of "choosing its victims".



To respond to these accusations, we must return to the role of the We All collective which, according to its charter, aims “to put an end to sexist and sexual violence”.

His fight is “solely centered” on this cause.

Since last January, the feminist collective has published its own count of feminicides.

"For this, we worked with other organizations to be able to agree on definitions and how to count these cases", explains a member of the collective.

The goal?

Have the most inclusive definition of the different cases of femicide.

In France – a rare exception in the world – feminicides only considered the murders of a companion or an ex-companion.

Taking the example of other countries, the definition was broadened to “murder by a woman because she is a woman”, and also included trans people.

“An awful and obviously reprehensible murder”

Within the We All collective, this organizational process has made it possible to agree on the terminology of feminicides.

From now on, a team of about twenty activists is even dedicated to listing the cases that can be considered as such, and this in relation to the definitions worked out.

What about the murder of little Lola?

“For the moment, the team working on it has not considered it a feminicide, which does not in any way detract from the fact that it is a terrible and obviously reprehensible murder”, insists our interlocutor.

Indeed, the elements of the investigation for the moment do not allow to describe the murder as a feminicide, because according to the definition dictated earlier, Lola was not killed because she was a girl.

Dahbia B.'s gesture remains unexplained today and psychiatric expertise has yet to be established.

For its part, the collective assures that if other elements making it possible to qualify a feminicide occurred in the investigation, the members would not hesitate to communicate it.

Not going into recovery

Within the collective We All, the members regret the political recovery made on the murder of Lola.

“When we observe who took up the case, we see that the far right is trying to advance its own political agenda,” laments the member of the collective who denounces its instrumentalization.

"We are not fooled, we can see that it does not create the same reactions when it comes to other violence against children, such as incest", questions the member.

According to the latter, the accusations against We All "are not in good faith" and contribute to fueling the "feminist backlash" by creating controversy.

And the member of the collective concludes: “The grieving family has expressed very clearly the desire not to instrumentalize politically, it is important to respect it.


Miscellaneous facts

Murder of Lola: Dignity and emotion at the rendezvous to say goodbye to the schoolgirl


Murder of Lola: The family "needs the respect and affection of the nation", assures Emmanuel Macron

  • Company

  • Feminism

  • Femicide

  • Murder of Lola

  • Miscellaneous facts

  • fake-off