Teller Report

The death of the famous Egyptian lawyer Farid El-Deeb

10/25/2022, 10:43:38 AM

Today, the famous Egyptian lawyer Farid El-Deeb, who was known to have handled a number of major cases before the Egyptian judiciary, has passed away.

The death of the famous Egyptian lawyer Farid El-Deeb

Today, the famous Egyptian lawyer, Farid El-Deeb, who was known for handling a number of major cases before the Egyptian judiciary, has passed away.

Abdel Halim Allam, head of the Bar Association, president of the Arab Lawyers Union, mourned the late lawyer Farid El-Deeb, who passed away this morning at the age of 80.

The head of the Lawyers Syndicate said: I mourn the Council of the Bar, all lawyers, and all its employees, with great sadness and sorrow, a knowledge of the lawyers, a knight of its knights and a platform of genuine thought, asking God to bless him with the vastness of his mercy, and to dwell in the highest paradise of heaven with the two friends, the martyrs and the righteous, and to inspire him His family, colleagues, students and lovers patience and solace.

 The artist Tamer Abdel Moneim, son-in-law of lawyer Farid El-Deeb, announced the funeral of the great lawyer from the Sayeda Zeinab Mosque, after the afternoon prayer today, Tuesday.

Hanan Farid El-Deeb, the daughter of the late, said in a post on Facebook: He was my dear, my honor and my pride, he is my first love, my third eye, and my refuge after God.

 It is worth noting that the last pleading session witnessed the presence of Farid El-Deeb, is the case of major monuments, in which the businessman Hassan Ratib is accused, in which he said during his last pleading before the court, “Perhaps this pleading will be my last, as I am over eighty years old, and I suffer from cancer, and I have I did my duty towards my clients and I worked hard, and every mujtahid has a share, even if he makes a mistake.

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