Teller Report

Ruben Östlund on the culture minister's miss: She should know who I am

10/25/2022, 1:24:51 PM

New Culture Minister Parisa Liljestrand mistook the Palme d'Or award-winning film "Triangle of Sadness" for a book when she appeared on SVT's Morning Studio on Tuesday morning. Now the film's director, Ruben Östlund, replies that he is not surprised and that the Minister of Culture should know who he is.

Director Ruben Östlund has received the world's most prestigious film award, the Palme d'Or, at the Cannes Film Festival twice.

First for the film "The square" in 2017 and this year for the film "Triangle of sadness".

Ruben Östlund now comments on the culture minister's miss and questions Ulf Kristersson's choice of culture minister.

- I'm not surprised.

In a way, it is part of a longer tradition in Sweden: That it is when you are appointed to such an important position that you should orient yourself in the cultural industry and try to create a vision, says Ruben Östlund to Kulturnyheterna.

- The one who has removed himself here is Ulf Kristersson, who appointed her.

I think you should be familiar with the area before you get the position, not that you should familiarize yourself with it after you get it.

Should know about Östlund

It was in an interview in Morgonstudion about the government's new cultural canon that culture minister Parisa Liljestrand (M) was asked whether the works Selma Lagerlöf's "Gösta Berling's saga", Stieg Larsson's "Millennium" trilogy and Ruben Östlund's film "Triangle of Sadness" should be included in a cultural canon.

- They are all fantastic authors and I have read two out of three books myself and thought they were very, very good, but if they are to be included in a cultural canon, that is not for me to answer, said Parisa Liljestrand then. 

Is it obvious that as the Minister of Culture you must know who you are? 

- Yes, I think so in a way.

With the international success I've had with my films, you should probably know about it, says Ruben Östlund.