Teller Report

Oh Young-soo "What do the works have in common these days? 'Old age' is missing"

10/25/2022, 9:13:37 AM

[SBS Entertainment News | [editor Jeon Min-jae] Actor Oh Young-soo, who has been gaining popularity in both plays and broadcasts recently, has revealed his thoughts on 'no' in cultural works.

[SBS Entertainment News |

[Editor Jeon Min-jae] Recently, actor Oh Young-soo, who has been gaining popularity in both plays and broadcasts, has revealed his thoughts on 'Noh (老)' in cultural works.

Fashion magazine Arena Homme Plus released a part of Oh Young-soo's pictorial and interview on the official website today (25th), which decorated the cover of the November issue.

In the pictorial, Oh Young-soo showed a unique beauty by creating a completely different atmosphere with bold expressions and poses in each published photo.

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Enlarging an image

In an interview following the filming, Oh Young-soo was asked what seemed to be the reason why the plays 'Last Session' and 'Love Letter' in which he starred were sold out.

She said, "Middle-aged (class) people pay a lot of attention to culture and art. Also, since I'm known as 'Kanbu', the public has come to think that there is something for older people. I think that." answered.

Recently in the theater world, actors who have reached old age are gaining popularity and are called 'Bangtan Seniors'. is missing," he said.

He continued, "You can't talk about life without old age. How can you talk about life without an ending? Not only in the theater world, but in all fields," he added, adding that one piece of work should also contain the end of life.

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Finally, when asked what he thinks as an elder about conflicts in various fields, including the cultural world, Oh Young-soo emphasized, "These days, we do not look at each other. The society is becoming divided and desolate due to the problems of men and women and old and young." I did.

Oh Young-soo replied, "Human life is completely collapsing. The reason is that we can't look at each other. We need to see each other's faces and communicate." I did.

Oh Young-soo, who is 79 this year, gained worldwide popularity with the Netflix drama 'Squid Game', which was released last year.

She became the first Korean actress to win the American Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor in TV in January last year.

(Photo = Arena Homme Plus)

(SBS Substar) 

(SBS Entertainment News Editor Jeon Min-jae)