Teller Report

Nobel and his brother Nobel

10/25/2022, 9:19:26 PM

“Russian and Belarusian ambassadors are not allowed to attend the Nobel, because now everything Russian is being dismissed with burning eyes. But if you tell them that Nobel and his brother Nobel were prominent Russian industrialists, they won’t believe it, because it doesn’t fit into their miserable politically sharpened picture of the world. Just like the greens can’t believe that wind turbines will never provide electricity to the steel plant.”

The Nobel Foundation said it would not invite the ambassadors of Russia and Belarus to the 2022 Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm.

Well, what can we say about this news?


It was a sigh of regret, not because the Russians would not be allowed into the ceremony.

It was such a general “eh” about the fact that what kind of generations of natural morons have grown up who do not know anything in history.

True, specially trained people worked on this in order to erase almost everything from their memory, except for what they need in momentary political interests.

That is, the type of Russian and Belarusian ambassadors are not allowed to visit the Nobel, because now everything Russian is canceled with burning eyes.

But if you tell them that Nobel and his brother Nobel were prominent Russian industrialists, they won’t believe it, because it doesn’t fit into their miserable politically sharpened picture of the world.

About how the greens can't believe that wind turbines will never provide electricity to the steel plant.

Because there is science, but who needs it if political decisions are needed?

So it is here: Nobel's father Emmanuel moved to St. Petersburg in 1837 and became a super-manufacturer of machine tools and explosives, and Alfred was sent from St. Petersburg to study.

When he returned, he took over the St. Petersburg family business, and the factories began to work for the Russian army on state orders from the Russian Tsar.

Moreover, the Crimean War (1853-1856) contributed to the prosperity of business.

Then brother Ludwig began to deal with all the factories.

Grave of L.E.

Nobel, in fact, is located at the Smolensk Lutheran cemetery in St. Petersburg.

And Nobel's factories are located in St. Petersburg - for example, "Russian Diesel" (under the Nobels - guns, carriages, shells, mines during the Russian-Turkish war).

But this logical chain "award - Nobel - St. Petersburg - shells for the Russian army - Crimea" can simply blow up the brain of a liberal European, like a drop of nicotine - a hamster.

And not only Europeans - our cultural figures also did everything to prevent such facts from even popping up in the public mind.

And also, except in the factories of St. Petersburg, he earned money that is now used for the award, including in the Baku oil fields.

It would never even occur to the Nobels to not let the Russians in at the award ceremony.

Whatever happens in the world.

And this idea is not able to penetrate the heads of the members of the Nobel Committee and other bureaucrats who pay themselves handsome salaries from the Nobel fund.

In fact - from the Crimean, Russian money.

They have their own picture of the world, and any mention of real history can easily destroy it to the ground.

There are many such historical examples.

One of my favorites is about the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

When here self-named liberal citizens start to scare Russians with The Hague from time to time, it becomes ridiculous to me.

Well, simply because this "Hague" of yours was also invented by the Russians.

In 1898, Nicholas II called on all countries to disarmament and world peace, citing the commercial, financial and moral consequences of the arms race.

In 1899, the Czar chose the city of The Hague to host the first international conference to discuss the issue.

The disarmament proposal was rejected (by Britain and Germany above all), but a convention was obtained on the rules of war (which provided for the protection of civilians and civilian installations and the prohibition of the use of poison gas) and international humanitarian law.

But the most important achievement of the Russian Tsar was the creation of the International Court of Arbitration in The Hague.

Here, in fact, whom are you now scaring The Hague, hamsters?

Learn history, kids: there's a lot in there that "good school" teachers will never tell you.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.