Teller Report

Dirty Deeds of Kyiv and London

10/25/2022, 3:20:05 PM

“Looking at the Kiev gathering of comedians and actors, you understand that for the opportunity to make faces and yell at the whole world about the alleged use of tactical nuclear weapons by Russia, these characters will stop at nothing. Their role is like this - punks from the gateway, which adults send to get to the bottom of a passerby. Well, the West, waiting around the corner, will gladly pick up the accusation, ignoring Moscow's repeated statements that it is not going to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

For the second time in history (the first was the Caribbean Crisis), the world has come close to a dangerous line beyond which a nuclear apocalypse may well happen.

There is no other way to interpret Kyiv's intentions to use a "dirty" nuclear bomb.

The Russian side will consider such a step as an act of nuclear terrorism, according to a letter from Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzi to Secretary General of the world organization António Guterres.

Will help?

Is not a fact.

The UN is now in some stupor from what is happening.

Until now, in response to the made in Ukraine nuclear threat, they have limited themselves to a call on duty to both (!) Parties to avoid miscalculations and escalation.

To the world - the world, and head in the sand.

But Russia will still try to use the (albeit long overdue) mechanism of a global organization to avert catastrophe.

On our initiative, the topic of Kyiv's "dirty bomb" is about to be discussed at the UN Security Council.

Apparently, realizing that there might be little use from a big talking shop, Moscow simultaneously activated bilateral contacts with key Western countries.

The role of diplomats was assumed by the military - Shoigu, then Gerasimov, who called their counterparts.

The military are more rational than politicians, they are not so prone to emotions, they have a better idea of ​​the actual consequences of nuclear contamination of both foreign and domestic territory, which means that there is a chance to get through to their common sense.

So far, Western officialdom has taken a solidarity position of rejecting Russian warnings.

On behalf of everyone (in addition to America, also Britain and France), the State Department speaks.

Like, we in the US do not believe that Kyiv is preparing the use of a “dirty bomb”.

It looks like a separation of roles.

While London is helping Kyiv technically (the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Ministry of Defense are aware of contacts between Zelensky’s office and British representatives on the topic of creating nuclear weapons), Washington is covering Kyiv politically.

Well, the United States is not the first time to grow, as if in a test tube, certain political forces of a radical persuasion in the hope of using them as a battering ram in their own interests.

The most famous example is al-Qaeda*.

Meetings with militants of American politicians, arms deliveries, dollar tranches once turned for the United States into the burning towers of the World Trade Center in New York (and President Putin was the first to call Washington with words of sympathy).

Now history is repeating itself with Ukraine, which has already completely become similar to Al-Qaeda or the same ISIS**.

Moreover, the volume of funding and arms supplies to Kyiv exceed the past by an order of magnitude.

Does this mean that Kyiv's future attack on its current benefactors will be many times greater than the September 11 attack?


The impudent exactingness to the allies, which we observe, clearly demonstrates: the guys decided that they grabbed God by the beard.

In the meantime, they are going to train in their own country.

Those to whom this seems incredible do not take into account the speed of change in the psyche of people under the influence of frenzied nationalism.

From some point on, to harm the Muscovites for Bandera in Kyiv and their flock became more important than their own lives.

Moreover, the inhabitants of most of the left bank of the Dnieper are not quite their own for them and they are not sorry, just as Donetsk and Luhansk are not sorry.

A quote from a joke - "What I don’t eat, I bite" - as it turned out, has a basis.


Looking at the Kiev gathering of comedians and hypocrites, you understand that for the opportunity to make faces and yell at the whole world about the alleged use of tactical nuclear weapons by Russia, these characters will stop at nothing.

Their role is like this - punks from the gateway, which adults send to get to the bottom of a passerby.

Well, the West, waiting around the corner, will gladly pick up the accusation, ignoring Moscow's repeated statements that it is not going to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

And this despite the fact that the consequences of using tactical nuclear weapons and "dirty bombs" differ fundamentally.

After a nuclear explosion, the level of radioactive contamination decreases tenfold in just seven hours, according to a Soviet filmstrip on civil defense (specially looked at YouTube, yes).

And after a few days - a week to go to the surface from the shelter is quite safe.

Thus, there can be no talk of any long-term infection.

The main damaging factor is the shock wave.

This will not be the case with the "dirty bomb".

Its undermining will lead to radioactive contamination and shutdown of territories for up to 30-50 years, says Renat Karchaa, adviser to the general director of Rosenergoatom.

The reason is in various types of physical processes during the nuclear reaction of enriched uranium and luminous low-enriched nuclear materials, stupidly scattered over the areas by the force of an ordinary high-explosive type explosion, which is what they dream about, rubbing their hands, in Kyiv.

But if the goal is political - to accuse Moscow of "something nuclear", then the physical parameters of the catastrophe, which directly indicate the use of a "dirty bomb", and not tactical nuclear weapons, are secondary.

The layman does not delve into the details, he is not literate enough and will perceive the point of view that dominates in the media as the only true one.

This is the calculation.

In vain, or something, they turned off RT broadcasts around the world!

Including in order to turn the truth about the creators of the nuclear apocalypse inside out with impunity.

However, more and more people realize that such experiments are too dangerous for the future of the planet to be ignored or even indulged.

And not only in those countries that can become a point of application, but also in the heart of the West - the United States.

Here are three dozen congressmen from the Democratic Party sent a letter to the Biden administration calling for negotiations with Russia to resolve the situation in Ukraine.

They don't seem to like the idea of ​​a global nuclear catastrophe at all.

* "Al-Qaeda" - the organization was recognized as a terrorist organization by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2003.

** "Islamic State" (ISIS, ISIL) - the organization was recognized as a terrorist organization by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.