Teller Report

Corona makes it possible: home office in Ibiza?

10/25/2022, 11:49:02 AM

Lunch break in the pool and after work at the cocktail bar: Does the home office actually have to be at home, or could it not be set up in another, warmer place for a while?

As is part of emigration fantasies, this plan has not been thought through to the end.

Questions arise about medical care, double housing costs.

And the question of whether, if push came to shove, one could not be expelled from the place overnight, as happened to people with second homes on the German coasts a few months ago.

But if many employees currently have no prospect of returning to the office, then there is also this question: does the home office have to be at home, or could it not be set up in another, warmer place for a while?

Jennifer Wiebking

Editor in the "Life" department of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper.

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For example, by wintering in the south, which was originally the case for older gentlemen who preferred to go to Spain.

For the younger generation it would be an extended


, so to speak, which, when presence at the workplace was still a major issue, practically only freelancers could afford.

Role models for temporary emigration could also be the digital nomads, a growing number of whom Rainer Elsmann from the Verein Deutsche Abroad is advising.

"They study in Germany, set up a company and then leave," says Elsmann about their typical life.

IT consultants are often, web designers and stock traders.

Anyone planning to be on the road for a while should only make sure they have taken out appropriate travel insurance: "One that will bring them back if Corona catches up with them."

If working is flexible, if life in Munich or Hamburg is expensive, then perhaps Ibiza could be the solution.

Anyone who enters into negotiations with their boss could use the English term for home office.

Working remotely
