Teller Report

An ancient and rare farmer in Hebei has published two novels for 20 video

10/25/2022, 2:43:20 PM

An ancient and rare farmer in Hebei has published two novels for 20 years   [Commentary] Feng Hongtu, 71, is a farmer in Xijing Village, Hejian City, Hebei Province. Although he is physically disabled and has only primary school education, he has not succumbed to the shackles of fate and has published two novels in 20 years. , completed a manuscript of more than 2 million words. Recently, the reporter met Feng Hongtu at his home in Xijing Village, Hejian City. He was so

  [Commentary] Feng Hongtu, 71, is a farmer in Xijing Village, Hejian City, Hebei Province. Although he is physically disabled and has only primary school education, he has not succumbed to the shackles of fate and has published two novels in 20 years. , completed a manuscript of more than 2 million words.

Recently, the reporter met Feng Hongtu at his home in Xijing Village, Hejian City. He was sorting out the manuscript of the novel "Dream of Cold House" just published.

  [Concurrent] Feng Hongtu

  When I was eight or nine years old, I followed an old lady from the village to visit the temple fair in Hejian City. I met an old man at the temple fair. He told me a story that I remember very deeply. Create the material for "Dream of Cold Mansion".

  [Commentary] Feng Hongtu said that since then, a vague literary dream has sprouted in his heart. When he encounters old people in the village telling stories, he listens with relish every time. in mind.

Due to his poor family background, Feng Hongtu began to earn a living after graduating from primary school.

At the age of 16, a disease caused Feng Hongtu's upper limbs to become disabled. After 8 years of treatment, his condition became stable.

Although physically disabled, Feng Hongtu did not want to rely on his parents for the rest of his life and was determined to support himself.

He worked as a carpenter and a potter successively. The hardships and disappointments of life did not obliterate his literary dream.

  [Concurrent] Feng Hongtu

  In 1997, one day I saw on TV that a college student from Nankai (a university) wrote a book, and my heart suddenly became enlightened.

He likes to create, and I like to write. I feel that there must be something left in my life, so I decided to pick up a pen and start writing.

  [Explanation] Feng Hongtu told reporters that when he first started writing, his family was very difficult and could not afford manuscript paper. In order to save money, he went to the waste collection station to buy some waste paper and bound it for manuscript paper.

Sometimes, for ideas, he would lock himself up for days at a time.

  [Concurrent] Feng Hongtu

  When I think about it now, it’s like being possessed. I don’t have time to write day or night, no matter how hot or cold it is in winter. The longest time I wrote for 14 hours in a row, I was so tired that I couldn’t lift my hands. It was also blank, so I had to lie down and rest for a while.

  [Explanation] Feng Hongtu has been writing this for more than 20 years, and has worn out dozens of pens and more than ten computer writing boards.

For more than 20 years, he has become a member of the Cangzhou Writers' Association, and has published two novels, "The Story of the Double Pei" and "Dream of Cold House", and also completed the 150,000-word "Pearl Tears" and the 190,000-word "Dream of Curtains". Manuscripts of literary works, etc.

At present, Feng Hongtu, who is 71 years old, takes care of his father who is in his 90s while still writing.

  [Concurrent] Feng Hongtu

  Through my writing, I realized the value of my life and found the meaning of my life.

I am currently writing a "Jade Golden Pavilion". This work tells the story of a family in the late Qing Dynasty from doing business to gradually defending the country and resisting foreign aggression. I want to convey patriotism to the people through this work. The spirit of socialism makes people cherish the hard-won happy life today.

  Ai Guangde Zuoxue reports from Cangzhou, Hebei

Responsible editor: [Sun Jingbo]