Teller Report

Women's Bundesliga: FC Bayern misses the chance to lead the table

10/23/2022, 3:00:06 PM

Last season, the Munich team lost 6-0 in Wolfsburg. It's not that clear this time. Nevertheless, VfL is extending its lead at the top of the table in the women's Bundesliga.

In the top game of the Bundesliga, VfL Wolfsburg defended its lead against FC Bayern Munich.

In front of 21,287 spectators in the Volkswagen Arena, used for the duel between the two outstanding teams, the hosts won 2-1 (1-0) on Sunday.

Wolfsburg extended their lead at the top of the table to five points with their fifth win in five games of the season.

The Pole Ewa Pajor (41st) and Svenja Huth (58th) scored for the Wolfsburg team, who can thus boast an impeccable record of five wins.

Bayern, on the other hand, who have been coached by new coach Alexander Straus since this season, have been waiting for a win against VfL for six games now.

Klara Bühl's goal (73rd) didn't change that either.

Wolfsburg superiority

Right from the start, the fans saw a dogged game between the two teams that have won the championship between themselves over the past ten years (seven titles for VfL, three for Bayern).

After Linda Dallmann had missed the first good opportunity for the guests (4th), the Wolfsburg team around Alexandra Popp developed a clear majority of chances as the game went on.

Even before Pajor's goal, which made Munich goalkeeper Maria-Luisa Grohs look bad, the Wolfsburg team had good chances.

At the beginning of the second half, Tommy Stroot's team remained superior.

Nevertheless, Lea Schüller was able to equalize in a counterattack (48th).

Huth did better with her direct acceptance on the other side.

Fifteen minutes later, Bühl created new tension - and an open exchange of blows in the final phase.

Bayern striker Jovana Damnjanovic hit the post with a header in the 82nd minute, and the Munich side were close to equalizing several times after that.

Despite the numerous visitors in the arena, VfL was not able to break the attendance record in the women's Bundesliga.

The record number of 23,200 visitors was set at the start of the season for the Eintracht Frankfurt vs. Bayern game.