Teller Report

Johnson gives up running for Sunak or locks in UK prime minister ahead of schedule

10/23/2022, 11:42:15 PM

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on the 23rd local time that he would not run for the nomination of Conservative Party leader. Johnson said he had the support of 102 MPs, above the 100 threshold needed to run for leadership, but he realised the UK and the Conservatives needed to unite.

  China News Service, October 24. According to comprehensive foreign media reports, former British Prime Minister Johnson announced on the 23rd local time that he would not compete for the nomination of Conservative Party leader.

It is believed that this basically means that Sunak will be locked in the position of prime minister.

FILE PHOTO: Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

  According to Reuters, Johnson announced on the 23rd London time that despite the support of Conservative MPs, he finally gave up the race for the leadership of the Conservative Party because he failed to convince rival former Chancellor of the Exchequer Sunak or another incumbent The leader of the House of Commons, Penny Mordout, came together "in the national interest".

Johnson said he had the support of 102 MPs, above the 100 threshold needed to run for leadership, but he realised the UK and the Conservatives needed to unite.

  "I believe I have a lot to offer, but I'm afraid this is simply not the right time," Johnson said afterwards.

  In response, Mr Sunak tweeted: "While (Johnson) has decided not to run for prime minister, I sincerely hope he continues to contribute to public life at home and abroad, according to Sky News. ".

Data map: Former British Chancellor of the Exchequer Sunak.

  According to reports, Johnson's announcement could pave the way for his main rival Sunak to become prime minister.

Sunak has reportedly been endorsed by about 140 MPs.

May win the party election as early as the 24th and take over the position of prime minister.

  Under the rules, if only one candidate wins the support of 100 Conservative MPs, he will be appointed prime minister on the 24th.

  Johnson was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for three years and was widely supported.

However, after it was revealed that he had violated the epidemic prevention regulations and held a party in the Prime Minister's Office, Johnson's popularity plummeted and he was eventually forced to resign.

  Less than 50 days after he took over, Truss also resigned as prime minister due to economic turmoil caused by policies such as the implementation of a "mini-budget".

Truss will remain in office until a new prime minister is elected.