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Cultural relations between the Emirates and Egypt.. From the time of the missions to the “Dubai Expo” .. (video)

10/23/2022, 10:36:08 PM

Culture has always been an integral part of the close relationship that unites the UAE and Egypt, which extends deep into its roots, and reflects the depth of their common values ​​and the bonds of brotherhood and deep-rooted friendship. The educational and medical missions in the middle of the last century, which came from Egypt to the

Its roots go deep

Cultural relations between the Emirates and Egypt.. From the time of the missions to the “Dubai Expo” .. (video)

  • Mohammed bin Rashid at the Egyptian pavilion at the Dubai Expo.



Culture has always been an integral part of the close relationship that unites the UAE and Egypt, which has deep roots and reflects the depth of their common values, brotherhood and deep-rooted friendship.

The educational and medical missions in the middle of the last century, which came from Egypt to the Emirates, contributed to the dissemination of modern formal education and the development of the health field in the Emirates.

During the sixties and before the establishment of the union, there were missions that included students from the Emirates to study in Egypt.

And the first study mission to Egypt was in 1927, where the student Muhammad bin Saeed bin Ghobash was the first to study on scholarships to Egypt to study, then the study missions to Egypt continued.

In 1964, His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, was among the group of scholarship students.

The visit of the Planet of the East "Umm Kulthum" to Abu Dhabi, to perform two concerts on the occasion of the feast of the sitting of the late, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may his soul rest in peace, and to prepare for the celebration of the establishment of the union, represents a historic artistic occasion, prominent in the process of cultural and artistic cooperation between the two countries.

permanent events

Since the establishment of the State of the Union, the cultural, artistic and media cooperation between the two countries has not been interrupted, whether at the official level through the signing of cooperation agreements between the concerned authorities, or at the popular level through the various events and activities that are organized and participated in by intellectuals, artists, writers and creators on both sides. This includes artistic teams or participation in book fairs, and the exchange of high-level visits between them in the cultural field.

Over 50 years of close relations, the UAE has adopted and implemented many prominent projects. The late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God rest his soul, built the Institute for Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers in Egypt, in 1992, while the UAE provided Nearly 200 million dirhams ($50 million) in grant to restore the Museum of Islamic Art in Egypt.

The UAE was also keen to support the Alexandria Library development project, by providing $21 million (more than 77 million dirhams), to become what it is today.

In the same context;

The Emirati-Egyptian relations witnessed the signing of 18 cultural agreements between Emirati institutions and the Alexandria Library in Egypt.

In an initiative that received great Egyptian and Arab appreciation;

His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, in 2011 sponsored the restoration of the Scientific Academy building in Cairo, which was exposed to a fire on December 17, 2011, which destroyed many of its treasures, including manuscripts, maps and rare books, including a book "Description of Egypt".

His Highness also pledged to provide the Council, which was established in 1798 by a decision of Napoleon Bonaparte, with original copies of the burned books.

mutual appreciation

Al-Azhar celebrated, in 2011, the completion of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum project to preserve and publish Al-Azhar manuscripts on the Internet, which was held with the honor of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, and the Sheikh of Al-Azhar received the project, which includes documenting Preserving Al-Azhar manuscripts amounting to 50,000 manuscripts comprising more than eight million pages covering 63 branches, storing more than 125,000 references and establishing an internal communication network to link the main Al-Azhar institutes.

In 2014, work began on the project to establish the new Al-Azhar Library on an area of ​​20,000 square meters, with Emirati funding, with the aim of linking Al-Azhar Al-Sharif electronically, regionally and globally, and providing the latest scientific references that students of other universities can also benefit from.

As an expression of appreciation for the Emirati role in supporting the culture sector in Egypt, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi presented, in May 2015 the Republic Medal to His Highness Sheikh Dr. Egypt and its keenness to establish a new house for national documents in the Fustat area.

from her side;

The Zayed Charitable Foundation established an Islamic cultural center in Egypt under the name "Zayed Center for Culture and Technology" affiliated to Al-Azhar University.

Egypt was keen to participate in a distinguished pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum visited the Egyptian pavilion and viewed its exhibits.

The "Expo City Dubai" will include within its selected pavilions the Egyptian pavilion, which is a reflection of the excellence of bilateral relations.

The relations between the UAE and Egypt are also witnessing close cooperation in the field of media, as the media in the two countries plays a key role in consolidating and strengthening relations, supporting their development process, and highlighting the development and cultural achievements in the UAE and Egypt. The two countries have been linked by a media cooperation protocol since 1988 to deepen, develop and advance media cooperation between them. .

To watch the video,

please click on this link.

• Before the establishment of the Federation, there were missions that included students from the Emirates to study in Egypt.

• Al-Azhar Al-Sharif celebrated, in 2011, the completion of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum project for preserving Al-Azhar manuscripts.

• Since the establishment of the Union State, the cultural and media cooperation between the two countries has not stopped, on the official and popular levels.

• 200 million dirhams granted by the UAE to restore the Museum of Islamic Art in Egypt.

• 77 million dirhams provided by the UAE to support the project to develop the Library of Alexandria, to become what it is today.

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