Teller Report

Ombudsman Soroca: Ukrainian Armed Forces sometimes kill wounded POWs

10/22/2022, 11:06:31 PM

Anna Soroka, adviser to the head of the Lugansk People's Republic, said that cases of killing of wounded prisoners of war by the Ukrainian military on the battlefield were recorded.

She spoke about this following a conversation with two fighters of the People's Militia of the LPR, released from Ukrainian captivity.

“One of them (released prisoners of war. -


) said that if a person is wounded in the process of captivity, then cases prevail when a person is simply killed,” RIA Novosti quoted Soroka as saying.

According to her, the Armed Forces of Ukraine do this in order not to provide medical assistance, and also to avoid problems during transportation. 

Soroka also stressed that Ukraine uses acts of terrorism against the residents of Donbass.

Alexey Shalygin, a sergeant of the People's Militia of the Donetsk People's Republic, previously released from Ukrainian captivity, said that he was taken prisoner by foreign mercenaries who spoke English and Polish.