Teller Report

Zelensky: Arab countries will be affected by the delay in Ukrainian grain exports

10/21/2022, 8:11:24 PM

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia on Friday of "deliberately" delaying the transit of ships loaded with Ukrainian grain, which is a vital supply for many African and Asian countries.

Zelensky: Arab countries will be affected by the delay in Ukrainian grain exports

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia on Friday of "deliberately" delaying the transit of ships carrying Ukrainian grain, which is a vital supply for many African and Asian countries.

"More than 150 ships are still waiting to fulfill the obligations contained in the contracts to ship our agricultural products," Zelensky said in a video clip. "It is an artificial waiting, the only reason being that Russia is deliberately delaying the transit of ships."

He explained that China, Egypt, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon and the Western Maghreb countries are among the countries affected by this delay, which affects "about three million tons of food."

Russia and Ukraine, under the auspices of the United Nations and Turkey, agreed in July to resume the export of Ukrainian grain, which has been suspended since the start of the war.

But Russia later criticized this agreement, stressing that Western sanctions imposed on it prevented the shipment of its exports.

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