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Washington Post: Trump kept intelligence documents on Iran and China at his home

10/21/2022, 6:23:22 PM

The Washington Post confirmed today, Friday, that the documents seized from the home of former President Donald Trump in Florida last August included highly sensitive intelligence information about Iran and China that threatens to expose American espionage methods.

Washington Post: Trump kept intelligence documents on Iran and China at his home

The Washington Post confirmed today, Friday, that documents seized from the home of former President Donald Trump in Florida last August included highly sensitive intelligence information about Iran and China that threatens to expose American espionage methods.

Among the documents seized by Justice Department investigators were a document on Iran's missile program and another "describing highly sensitive intelligence work on China," the newspaper quoted people familiar with the case as saying.

Investigators seized about 11,000 documents in the raid to recover documents the government says Trump kept in the US archives, but illegally transferred them to him when he left the White House in January 2021.

Among those documents are just over 100 classified documents, some of which are classified as top-secret and usually hermetically secured with only a few people allowed to see them.

But it was kept in Mar-a-Lago, including in Trump's personal office, under modest security conditions, according to the Justice Department.

The Justice Department justified the raid on national security grounds, citing the suspicion that Trump violated the Espionage Act, which prohibits the retention and sharing of highly sensitive documents related to national defense.

She is also suspected of obstructing her work after his lawyers told the department in June that there were no more government documents left in Mar-a-Lago.

But Trump was not charged, and the latter filed a lawsuit and the court appointed an independent "special supervisor" to review the documents.

The former president will recover many personal, financial and legal documents and memorabilia that have been mixed up with government records.

Of the official government records, the Justice Department said Thursday in a notice to its judicial supervisor, only 15 documents were disputed over Trump's eligibility.

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