Teller Report

The Ministry of Education plans to develop sports in schools to discover talents early

10/21/2022, 10:17:38 PM

The Minister of Education, Dr. Ahmed Belhoul Al Falasi, revealed that the ministry is working on developing a plan to develop the physical education curriculum in schools, to discover sports talents at an early age.

Al Falasi: The Ministry’s strategy and curricula enhance the national identity in the hearts of students

The Ministry of Education plans to develop sports in schools to discover talents early

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    Photography: Ashok Verma

  • Al Falasi confirmed that “bullying” has receded after the Wademah law was issued.

    Photography: Ashok Verma


Minister of Education, Dr. Ahmed Belhoul Al Falasi, revealed that the ministry is working on a plan to develop the physical education curriculum in schools, to discover sports talents at an early age.

He pointed out that the entry of the younger student, born on August 31, to the first grade, delays him in educational attainment by an academic year than his peers, according to a study conducted recently.

This came during his speech, the day before yesterday, in the “Al-Ameen Majlis” in the Al-Khawaneej Majlis, under the title “Education is hosted by the Al-Ameen Majalis.” It was moderated by the media Marwan Al-Hal, and attended by the Ministry’s Assistant Undersecretary for Licensing and Quality Sector, Dr. Hamad Al Yahyai, ​​and Assistant Undersecretary for the Curriculum Sector. , Dr. Hassan Al Muhairi, along with members of the Federal National Council, Shatha Alai Al Naqbi, and Maryam Majid bin Thaniah, and the Director General of the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai, Dr. Hamad bin Sheikh Al Shaibani, and a number of educators, students and their families.

In detail, Al Falasi stressed that the ministry's strategy and curricula enhance the national identity in the hearts of students, through various axes, most notably focusing on the Arabic language, Islamic education, social studies, and "Emirati studies", and instilling the concept of volunteering among students.

The session dealt with four main axes, namely, the Ministry's role in enhancing the sense of patriotism and national identity, educating young people about internal and external risks, encouraging students to volunteer and serving the community, and developing students' self-skills.

Al Falasi said that the state's strategic direction is for the Ministry of Education to be concerned with policies and curricula, and that separating operational matters in the Emirates Foundation for School Education gives the Ministry more space for planning and development.

On the role of the ministry in building a sense of patriotism, Al Falasi explained that in the Emirates, the focus is on “education” and “education” together, and this is what we see through the directives of the leadership, where His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, directed the development of the education curriculum. Ethical, which confirms the keenness to consolidate the Emirati identity and promote tolerance, as well as the introduction of the Al-Sana program in the school curricula, which promotes Emirati values, in addition to keenness on teaching Arabic, Islamic education and social studies, which was formulated to focus on Emirati unity and the continuity of the Emirati heritage. .

He added that the Ministry has introduced into higher education the "Emirati Studies" course, where students study this course in the first year of the university, and it includes the UAE's heritage, culture and history.

He pointed to several challenges facing the Emirati student, which began to appear with the speed of digital transformation and the use of technology in education and the need to protect the child from any inappropriate content, in addition to protecting the student from some foreign concepts alien to society.

Al Falasi added: “Among the measures taken by the Ministry to protect students and provide educational quality for them, the Ministry has introduced the teacher licensing system, which it considers a condition for practicing the teaching profession, in addition to signing the teacher’s charter, which requires compliance with it, and in the event of violating any provisions, the license will be withdrawn From the teacher,” pointing out that the existence of legislation to protect the child, which is the law of Wadima, and the development of a clear policy to confront the phenomenon of bullying, led to its decline significantly.

In addition, Al Falasi said, “Volunteering is one of the important axes to enhance community participation among students, and given the multiple events hosted by the UAE, we find large numbers of volunteers, and among these events (Expo 2020 Dubai), and therefore we are trying to promote the concept of volunteering in schools. And at the level of higher education, and this is what we see in the Higher Colleges of Technology, which is the largest higher education institution in the country, which has allocated certain volunteer hours in the school year. So that volunteer work is systematic.”

Al Falasi stressed the ministry's great interest in physical education in schools, as two sports federations were merged in schools, to discover sports talents, and the ministry is currently working on developing a plan to develop physical education curricula in schools.

He added: "The person concerned with discovering sports talents must be qualified, and there is a mechanism for registering these students in the unified electronic system with all sports teachers in schools, and classifying students according to the type of sports they play."

He pointed out that the Ministry prepared a comprehensive and extensive study on the best age to register in school, to determine the most appropriate age for registration, as two groups of students were subjected to a study, the first entered schools at the specified age, and the other entered at a younger age, and the study sample included citizens and residents students, and from all curricula , and international tests were applied to them (for the fourth grade), and the two groups were separated, and the result of the study showed that the difference in the achievement of the second group was less than the first by more than 30 points, equivalent to an academic year, and as a result of standard comparisons and extensive studies, the appropriate age for enrollment of students in schools.

On the other hand, the General Supervisor of Al-Ameen Service, Omar Al-Falasi, stressed the importance of community participation that aims to strengthen the bond between students and their families and educational institutions, which play a major role in raising generations and implanting national identity, and the role of educational institutions in monitoring extraneous phenomena that may negatively affect the Children, and strengthening the educational role of educational institutions in instilling good qualities and public morals, and urging them to community services through volunteering and helping others, and the service looks forward to other participations in cooperation with the Community Development Authority in Dubai and the Dubai Media Incorporated.

For his part, the Executive Director of the Development and Social Care Sector at the Community Development Authority, Huraiz Al-Murr bin Huraiz, said that the “Amin Majalis” initiative translates one of the important objectives of the neighborhood councils, which is to be a direct platform for communication with community members, and unifying visions and goals for the benefit of society. and the happiness of his children.

■ The ministry strengthens the national identity in the hearts of students through several axes.

■ The Emirati student faces several challenges that started with the speed of digital transformation.

■ «Education» introduced the license and the teacher's charter to protect students and ensure the quality of education.

■ Promote the concept of volunteering in all schools and at the level of higher education.

future teacher

The Minister of Education, Dr. Ahmed Belhoul Al Falasi, stated that the ministry launched the “Teacher of the Future” initiative to encourage outstanding students to study education and work in the field of teaching, stressing that the demand for benefiting from the initiative is good, but it is not in the form required by citizens, indicating that it is underway. Re-evaluate the initiative for improvement.

He said that the ministry is adopting the "Intilaaqah" program to qualify students for university, and that the student's choice of specialization must be based on his personal preferences and the needs of the labor market.

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