Teller Report

The governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region dismissed the director of the IFC in Pavlovo for a dummy guest

10/21/2022, 8:29:24 PM

The governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Gleb Nikitin, fired the director of the multifunctional center (MFC) in Pavlovo for a fake guest, who turned out to be her own husband.

As the governor wrote in his Telegram, he visited the Pavlovsk MFC to communicate with its visitors and evaluate its work, but then it turned out that one of the guests of the center was the husband of the head of this MFC.

“I wanted to look at the conditions in the local MFC in general and hear feedback from real visitors on the work of the branch.

Later, the people of Pavlovka on social networks told about the bogus guest during my visit.

It turned out to be the husband of the head of this MFC.

Today, a decision was made to dismiss her, ”said Nikitin.

As the governor noted, in life and work he hates lies and "Potemkin villages" and will not work "with such people".