Teller Report

The court orders the internment in the CIE of the Islamic extremist sheltered by sovereignism

10/21/2022, 8:11:18 PM

The Investigating Court of Reus on guard duty agreed to admit the activist Mohamed Said Badoui to the Barcelona Foreigners Detention Center (CIE),...

  • Courts The National Court maintains the expulsion of the "pro-jihadist" supported by the independence movement and 'commons'

The Investigating Court of Reus on duty agreed to admit the activist Mohamed Said Badoui, president of the Association in Defense of the Muslim Community of Reus (Tarragona), arrested this week to the Barcelona Foreigners Internment Center (CIE). after being accused of indoctrinating through the "dissemination of radical pro-jihadist postulates", especially to minors.

In his order, the judge agrees that the accused will remain in the center until the expulsion order from Spain is executed, as agreed in September by the Secretary of State for Security based on a complaint from the General Information Police Station that exposes the ideological radicalism of the appellant.

After his arrest this week, Mohamed Said Badaoui's lawyers filed an appeal against the expulsion order before the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the National High Court, which was rejected.

The court considered that the interests of a general nature should prevail over his personal circumstances and recalls that the activist committed a very serious offense and that it classifies as participating in activities contrary to national security or that may harm Spain's relations with others. countries.

Hours after his arrest, the Parliament approved a declaration of support for the leader of the Islamic community Mohamed Said Badaoui after his arrest in which he urges the Generalitat to "activate all administrative, legal and diplomatic tools to ensure the rights" of the arrested.

In addition, the pro-independence formations and the commons assured that the activist is a victim of "political repression through the Immigration Law."

United We Can also asked the Interior to stop the expulsion of Mohamed Said Badaoui, understanding that he is an "outrage of his rights."

The police report against the activist recalls that he allegedly carried out "indoctrination in his community with the dissemination of radical pro-jihadist postulates, being one of the main referents in Spain of the most orthodox Salafism, which he preaches, with such an influence that, since his arrival, there has been an increase in radicalism in the Tarragona region because of his speech».

In addition, the Police emphasize that Said Badaoui's activity focused on the most vulnerable groups, such as unaccompanied minors, mainly of Moroccan origin, whom he allegedly indoctrinated "in the most radical Salafism, taking advantage of their situation of vulnerability, also having links with radical individuals related to terrorism, and carrying out practices that promote victimhood and Westernophobia.”

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  • Tarragona

  • United We Can

  • Government of Catalonia

  • Barcelona

  • Justice