Teller Report

The analyst commented on the situation with electricity in the EU

10/21/2022, 8:17:41 AM

The head of the analytical department of the National Energy Security Fund, Alexander Pasechnik, commented in an interview with RT on the call by the leaders of the EU states to create a mechanism for limiting gas prices in power generation in the union.

According to Pasechnik, if this proposal refers specifically to domestic regulatory measures for European energy companies, then for Russia it does not matter.

“Let them do what they want.

This is their inner kitchen.

The main thing is that our gas is not touched,” the analyst said.

The expert also stressed that, despite the threats from the West to impose a ceiling on Russian gas prices, no concrete steps are being taken in this direction.

Earlier, the leaders of the EU states called on the European Commission and the EU Council to quickly create a temporary mechanism for limiting gas prices for generating electricity in the European Union.

On October 18, the EC proposed to EU countries to reduce gas consumption by 15% until March 2023.