Teller Report

Iterative leap, communication empowers thousands of industries

10/21/2022, 10:12:08 PM

◎Our reporter Liu Yan   Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's information and communication industry has achieved leapfrog development, and its strategic, fundamental and leading role in the overall economic and social development has become increasingly prominent. Over the past decade, my country has built the world's largest and technologically advance

  ◎Our reporter Liu Yan

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's information and communication industry has achieved leapfrog development, and its strategic, fundamental and leading role in the overall economic and social development has become increasingly prominent.

Over the past decade, my country has built the world's largest and technologically advanced network infrastructure, accelerated breakthroughs in key core technologies, and significantly enhanced the strength of the technology industry.

At the same time, innovative applications have been continuously expanded from the consumption field to the production field, forming the world's largest, most active and potential digital service market. Internet applications are fully popularized, information services are more high-quality and low-cost, and digital convenience is shared by everyone.

  From the frontier of the desert to the Nansha Islands, from the vast countryside to the top of the world Mount Everest, 5G signals are used in the sky across the sea and the desert; from the “Cliff Village” in Liangshan, Sichuan, which is inaccessible, to the once deeply impoverished “Three Districts and Three Prefectures” areas, fiber-optic broadband High-speed access.

  In the past ten years, my country's network infrastructure has taken the lead in the world, innovative applications have accelerated from the consumption field to the production field, and China's information and communication industry has achieved iterative leaps.

  As Jin Zhuanglong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said, speed up the construction of high-speed ubiquitous, integrated sky and earth, cloud-network integration, intelligent and agile, green and low-carbon, safe and controllable intelligent comprehensive digital information infrastructure, open up the economy and society The information "artery" of development is an inevitable choice to seize the opportunity of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, promote digital industrialization and industrial digitization, and create new momentum for development.

  In the past ten years, the strategic, basic and leading role of my country's information and communication industry has become more prominent, laying a solid foundation for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and starting a new journey of building a socialist modernized country in an all-round way. Thousands of people share digital dividends.

  The world's leading network infrastructure scale

  In ten years, my country has built the world's largest and technologically advanced network infrastructure, with fiber-optic network access bandwidths ranging from 10 megabits to 100 megabits. Then to the exponential growth of gigabit, the mobile network has achieved a leap from 3G breakthrough, 4G synchronization, and then to 5G leadership.

  Nearly 10 million mobile communication base stations, over one billion Internet broadband ports, and ubiquitous wireless routers have created a triple communication network to serve the national economy and people's livelihood.

The leader in building this high-coverage, high-quality, high-tech network is my country's telecom operator.

  As one of the main forces in the construction of a strong network country, China Telecom took the lead in realizing the upgrade of gigabit network, which has covered more than 300 cities; a total of 907,000 5G base stations have been opened, basically achieving continuous coverage in key townships and above.

  In the leap-forward development of my country's mobile communication industry from 1G/2G follow, 3G breakthrough, 4G synchronization, to 5G leading, China Mobile has made outstanding contributions, built the world's largest 5G network, and has opened a total of 1.1 million 5G base stations. 5G package customers exceeded 520 million.

By the end of this year, continuous 5G coverage will be achieved in cities, counties, urban areas, and townships across the country, as well as effective coverage in key areas, developed rural areas, and some important property sites.

  Since the 5G license was issued, China Unicom has insisted on joint construction and sharing. Up to now, a total of 860,000 5G base stations have been built, achieving continuous outdoor coverage in key townships and above; it is expected that by the end of 2022, it will achieve the goal of large-scale commercial use of one million 5G base stations.

  The China Tower is an "accelerator" for China's network construction.

  Zhang Zhiyong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Tower, introduced that since its establishment, China Tower has completed a total of 3.48 million communication tower construction projects, and has undertaken more than 1.6 million 5G base station projects. The number of tower sites used by the three telecom operators has increased by 1.38 97% of 5G sites are realized by sharing existing site resources, which is equivalent to building 940,000 less towers and saving industry investment by more than 169 billion yuan.

At the same time, through "iron tower + 5G + AI", Chinese towers and telecom operators have installed "clairvoyance", "sunwind ears" and "smart brains" for more than 40 industries, turning more than 200,000 "communication towers" into "Digital Tower".

  Chen Hui, deputy director of the Institute of Industry and Planning, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, emphasized that China Tower has made outstanding contributions to the rapid and large-scale deployment of 4G and 5G.

  Looking back on the development of the past ten years, Wen Ku, chairman of the China Communications Standards Association, said: "The leap-forward development of the communications industry has benefited from a favorable policy environment, the responsibility of communicators, and the rigorous yet relaxed scientific approach. Supervision."

  According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as of the end of August, the three telecom operators had developed 1.698 billion mobile IoT terminal users, and my country has become the first country in the world's major economies to achieve "superhuman beings".

  In the view of Wu Hequan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, this is a milestone and an important symbol of the "restart" of my country's informatization, digitization and networking.

Wu Hequan said: "In the past, the development of the Internet and mobile Internet mainly relied on demographic dividends; the application of the Internet of Things has opened up another dimension, and applications such as industrial Internet, smart cities, and smart homes will usher in explosive growth, and the development of network technology will open up a new dimension. journey."

  Innovative applications accelerate the expansion to the production field

  At the achievement exhibition on the theme of "Endeavoring for a New Era", the "ballast stone" unit of strengthening national food security in the Heilongjiang exhibition area attracted attention.

  Su Zhongbin, director of the Northeast Smart Agricultural Technology Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said: "5G and other information infrastructures are the premise and foundation for the development of the digital economy and smart agriculture. The innovative practice of 5G technology in the agricultural field is in a period of rapid development. In the future, we will See more successful agricultural use cases."

  "Intensifying efforts to achieve new breakthroughs in 5G demonstration applications, especially in the application of 5G agricultural scenarios, is the next key work." Su Zhongbin said, for example, in terms of grain procurement and storage, Heilongjiang Province is accelerating the construction of "5G + smart agriculture" technology. In order to support the production, purchase, storage, and sales of the "five-optimal linkage" grain industry chain, we will promote the "south grain storage" to realize the improvement of quality and efficiency of the entire grain industry chain.

  In the past ten years, the information and communication industry has provided a variety of information services for the common people. Smart government, network poverty alleviation, online education, telemedicine and other applications have been popularized. 5G applications have blossomed, serving the common people and empowering thousands of industries.

  Yang Jie, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of China Mobile, said: "5G is not a simple '4G+1G', it is more revolutionary and presents higher value, and can provide infrastructure for the deep integration of cross-domain, all-round and multi-level industries. , give full play to the amplifying, superimposing and multiplying role of digital applications on economic and social development.”

  According to Zhang Xinsheng, executive vice chairman of the Future Mobile Communication Forum, the deep integration of 5G and vertical industries is the only way to unleash the potential of 5G, but this is by no means easy.

The application of 5G integration in vertical industries is not only a technical issue, but also an industrial ecological issue, which requires the collective efforts of the entire 5G industry chain.

  Universal telecom services pave the way for rural happiness

  "Last year, the 'Xiqi mutton' produced in my pasture was sold through the Internet, and 500 sheep were booked out in less than a day. Every year, I can earn 600,000 yuan from animal husbandry." Miggy Dorji said that in 2006 he was a university student. After graduating, he returned to his hometown in Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia, Kerlun Sumu Manglai Gacha (Gacha, meaning "village" in Mongolian). At that time, the average annual household income here was less than 4,000 yuan, and it was a well-known poverty-stricken gacha. .

In 2021, telecommunications universal service brings 4G network and information technology to Manlai Gacha.

Based on the 4G network, each sheep in Manglai Gacha has a digital ID card, which greatly improves the efficiency of breeding stock traceability and the rate of picking up lambs. The days of the herdsmen are getting more and more prosperous day by day.

  In 2015, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the notice of the "Guidelines for the 2016 Annual Telecom Universal Service Pilot Application", officially launched the telecommunications universal service pilot work, and established and improved the "central fund guidance, local coordination support, and enterprise main body promotion". Service compensation mechanism.

  Similar stories abound after the trumpet of universal service for telecommunications.

  Over the past ten years, telecom operators have gnawed on one piece of "hard bone" in the construction of rural communication infrastructure, so that my country's universal telecom service has truly achieved "zero dead ends". Going on the "highway" to enter the homes of rural people has brought great convenience to their lives.

  In terms of e-government, with TV screens and mobile phone screens as terminals, digital village platforms in some places have achieved accurate distribution of services and information to households, so that villagers "do not go out for small things and do not leave the village for big things".

At present, the online service rate of county-level government services in the country is 66.4%. The national integrated government service platform is about to be fully completed, and the efficiency of grass-roots governance has been greatly improved.

  In terms of Internet medical care, telemedicine has effectively covered rural areas, providing a powerful means to consolidate basic medical security.

According to data from the National Health Commission, by the end of 2021, telemedicine has been extended to rural areas, and a national primary medical and health comprehensive management platform has been initially established to achieve network connectivity and data transmission with 23 provinces.

  In terms of education informatization, telecom operators have created a modern teaching environment for hundreds of thousands of students, and provided free learning resources for teachers, students and parents in remote areas through cloud platforms.

At present, the Internet access rate of primary and secondary schools (including teaching points) nationwide has reached 100%.

  It is understood that the eight batches of telecommunications universal services carried out in my country have supported the construction of optical fiber networks in 130,000 administrative villages across the country and the construction of 4G base stations in 70,000 remote areas.

The seventh and eighth batches of universal telecommunications services, on the basis of "broadband access to every village", further increased support for key forest and grassland fire prevention areas, border areas and islands, and continued to improve the coverage of optical fiber and 4G networks in remote areas. breadth and depth.

(Source: Science and Technology Daily)