Teller Report

Heung-gyo Lee, head of the Fire Department, was dismissed... 10 months after appointment

10/21/2022, 7:17:23 PM

According to the President's Office and the Fire Department, this afternoon, the Fire Department was notified of the dismissal of Lee Heung-gyo, the head of the Fire Department. The official dismissal date is tomorrow, and Nam Hwa-young, head of the Gyeonggi-do Fire and Disaster Headquarters, will be appointed as deputy chief of the Fire Department, which is currently vacant, and will serve as the head of the agency for the time being.

▲ Heung-gyo Lee, Chief of the Fire Department

Fire Chief Lee Heung-gyo, who is under investigation by the prosecution, has been dismissed.

According to the President's Office and the Fire Department, on the afternoon of the 21st, the Fire Department was notified of the dismissal of the position of Chief Fire Chief Lee Heung-gyo.

The official dismissal date is tomorrow, and Nam Hwa-young, head of the Gyeonggi-do Fire and Disaster Headquarters, will be appointed as deputy chief of the Fire Department, which is currently vacant, and will serve as the head of the agency for the time being.

Commissioner Lee Heung-gyo, who was appointed in December last year, at the end of the Moon Jae-in administration, is known to be the subject of an investigation into the supply corruption of the Fire Department.

On the 19th, the Cheongju District Prosecutor's Office seized and searched the fire department chief's office, etc.

According to the National Public Officials Act, if it is difficult to perform normal duties due to an investigation or investigation by an investigation agency such as the Board of Audit and Inspection, the Prosecutor's Office, or the police due to misconduct, the appointing authority may cancel the position.

(Photo = Yonhap News)