Teller Report

Henrik Stenson does not regret the LIV move - and will remain in the future

10/21/2022, 4:17:08 AM

Henrik Stenson has received sharp criticism for his choice to go to the debated LIV tour. A decision he does not regret. In an exclusive interview with SVT Sport, he addresses the criticism - and reveals that he has signed a three-year contract with his LIV club.

Barely three months ago, the news came, as had been rumored for a while: Henrik Stenson was ready for the newly started LIV tour.

The reactions were not long in coming.

Peter Reinebo, director of operations for the Swedish Olympic Committee (SOC), said, for example, that the former Olympic medalist's involvement in the tour is not in line with the SOC's core values.

And just a couple of weeks ago, the Swedish Golf Association announced that they are canceling their cooperation with Stenson - as they do not think he is a good role model for the sport.

"Isn't fun"

When SVT Sport meets Henrik Stenson, on location in Saudi Arabia in connection with the penultimate LIV competition of the season, he admits that he has been affected by the criticism.

- You come to certain insights.

One is that you cannot make everyone happy and satisfied.

You may have already known a lot about it before, but it was confirmed.

Then that you get to do what you yourself think is right for you, and then you focus on yourself and your own, and so you care a little less about what others think and think - even though everyone is human, so it is clearly one is influenced to some extent, he says, and adds:

- But we focus on what we can influence and what we have in front of us.

If you had known before your choice of LIV how the criticism and consequences had been, would you have made the same decision?

- Yes.

So you have no regrets?

- No.

Has a three-year contract

And the fact is that Stenson will remain on the LIV tour going forward.

Because it's not just this year that he has a contract with Majestic GC, the club he plays for in the tour - where, in addition to individual competition, there are also team competitions every week.

- I have three years, he says, and explains that he believes in a less sensitive situation in the golf world when the contract expires:

- I think it will get better.

At least I hope so, he says.

See a longer feature in Sportspegeln on Sunday

Full feature: "You come to certain insights"

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Henrik Stenson: "You come to certain insights"