Teller Report

Head of German counterintelligence: sanctions against RT have become a tangible blow, but its content is distributed on social networks

10/21/2022, 6:05:21 PM

The head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the German Constitution, Thomas Haldenwang, is sure that the EU sanctions against RT and Sputnik were a "tangible blow" and reduced "the reach of their audience." However, he notes that the content of these media continues to be actively distributed in social networks.

According to the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper, despite the measures taken, “the Kremlin does not give up in the information war”, and “Kremlin propaganda” remains easily accessible.

The article of the publication states that the Russian media RT and Sputnik in Germany “have been active for years”, mainly on the Internet.

In March, the EU "took an unprecedented step" by imposing restrictions on their broadcasting, but, as the head of German counterintelligence notes, the content of these media "is now actively distributed mainly in social networks."

Earlier, the American cyber analytics company Nisos released a report stating that the Multi-Language Videos project was effectively circumventing Western attempts to block RT.

The channel publishes videos in 18 languages ​​about what is actually happening in the special operation zone in Ukraine.

On March 11, the YouTube administration restricted access to all RT and RTD channels.

On March 2, the European Union banned the broadcasting of the RT channel and the work of the Sputnik agency in the community.