Teller Report

DRC: resumption of fighting in Rutshuru in the east between the army and the M23

10/21/2022, 8:47:24 PM

Fighting resumed two days ago in Rutshuru, North Kivu, between the Congolese army and the M23. The two forces accuse each other of having reignited hostilities. These clashes...

DRC: resumption of fighting in Rutshuru in the east between the army and the M23

Congolese army soldiers on patrol around Kiwanja on April 3, 2022 days after clashes with M23 rebels in Rutshuru.

(illustrative image) AFP - GUERCHOM NDEBO

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Fighting resumed two days ago in Rutshuru, North Kivu, between the Congolese army and the M23.

The two forces accuse each other of having reignited hostilities.

These clashes occur at a time when diplomatic solutions seem to be advancing and Kinshasa still rejects any direct negotiation with the M23.


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With our correspondent in Kinshasa, 

Patient Ligodi

Until the afternoon of Friday, October 21, gunshots were heard around the localities of Jomba and Bweza.

Difficult at this stage to know who launched the hostilities.

But the M23 brandishes self-defense and has promised " 

to respond vigorously 


In the meantime, on the diplomatic level, very little progress has been observed.

Kinshasa is still awaiting a vigorous reaction from Western powers.

This week Felix Tshisekedi met King Charles III of the United Kingdom.

He asked him to use his influence within the Commonwealth and with Rwanda in particular to put more pressure on Paul Kagame, accused of arming the M23.

Moreover, the Congolese authorities expect a lot from the Kenyan mediation.

Emissaries from the Congolese Head of State were dispatched to Nairobi in mid-October to ensure the support of the new Kenyan President William Ruto and to work on a plan to relaunch the political and military process.

The former Kenyan head of state Uhuru Kenyatta is also expected in Goma to speed up talks with representatives of various armed groups.

Internally, we expect a new dynamic on the ground with, in particular, the forthcoming deployment of Lieutenant-General Marcel Mbangu Mashita, who was recently appointed commander of the third defense zone.


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