Teller Report

British ruling party leadership election

10/21/2022, 8:41:37 PM

[NHK] Mordaunt, House of Representatives, has announced his intention to run for the leadership of the ruling Conservative Party, which will decide the successor to Prime Minister Truss in the United Kingdom. local…

House of Commons Majority Leader Mordaunt has announced his intention to run for the leadership of the ruling Conservative Party to replace Truss as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Local media reports that former Finance Minister Sunak and former Prime Minister Johnson are also looking for candidates, and the focus is on whether they can get 100 recommendations from the House of Representatives by the 24th when the candidacy is closed.

The Conservative Party leader election, which will determine the successor to British Prime Minister Truss, who announced his resignation on the 20th, must obtain the recommendation of 100 out of 357 members of the House of Representatives, and the candidacy will be closed on the 24th. increase.

House Majority Leader John Mordaunt announced his intention to run for office on Tuesday, writing on Twitter that he was "encouraged by the support of my colleagues in their quest for a fresh start, party unity, and leadership for the good of the nation."

Mordaunt is the first person to announce his intention to run for the leadership of the party.

Local media reported that former Finance Minister Sunak and former Prime Minister Johnson are also looking for candidates, and so far Sunak has more than 70 members, Johnson has more than 40 members, and Mordaunt has about 20 members. You have declared your support.

In any case, the focus is on whether you can get the 100 nominations necessary for your candidacy.

If there is only one candidate, the new party leader will be decided on the 24th, and if there are two or more candidates, it will be decided on the 28th after online voting by party members.

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