Teller Report

Bastrykin instructed to investigate the attack on the Russian Consulate General in Leipzig

10/21/2022, 6:17:46 PM

The head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin instructed to organize an investigation into the attack on the Russian Consulate General in Leipzig.

“Bastrykin instructed the investigators to find out the circumstances of the attack on the Russian consulate in Leipzig ... The head of the department instructed the investigators to request the necessary information from the Russian Foreign Ministry and give a legal assessment of all the circumstances of the incident,” follows from the statement of the Russian Investigative Committee.

Earlier it was reported that an unknown person poured bottles of yellow and blue paint over the building of the Russian Consulate General in Leipzig and the sidewalk in front of it.

The attacker fled on a bicycle, law enforcement agencies are looking for witnesses to the incident.

The investigation in Germany was taken over by the Police Center for Combating Extremism and Terrorism (PTAZ).