Teller Report

"Government Human Resources" identifies 5 steps to sign the work contract "electronic"

10/21/2022, 10:11:19 PM

The Federal Authority for Governmental Human Resources has identified five steps that employees of federal government agencies can follow to view and sign private employment contracts electronically, on the ministry’s application on smart phones (FAHR), the first of which is to choose the “personal data” icon on the application.

"Government Human Resources" identifies 5 steps to sign the work contract "electronic"

“Government Human Resources” launched a new service through its smart application.


The Federal Authority for Governmental Human Resources has identified five steps that employees of federal government agencies can follow to view and sign private employment contracts electronically on the ministry’s application on smart phones (FAHR), the first of which is to choose the “personal data” icon on the ministry’s smart application, then press “ Contracts”, then click on “View file” to view the work contract, then you can click on the “Alerts” button, then click on “Notification of the contract” to view it, then choose the appropriate action “Agree” or “Reject” to approve the contract.

The authority launched a new service through its smart application (FAHR) that allows federal government employees to view and sign their work contracts electronically, in addition to the possibility of recording missed attendance and leaving, issuing an electronic work card, searching for vacancies in the federal government, and facilitating the application process for them. For job seekers.

The authority explained that this service comes within a number of services that have been developed this year on its smart application, to directly benefit the employees of ministries and federal entities, including the electronic signature service on contracts and ministerial decisions, the service of evaluating the performance of new employees during the trial period, and the service of requesting remote work. On Friday, which comes in line with the adoption by the UAE government of the new system of weekly work in the federal government, and the flexibility granted by the legislator to certain categories of employees to work remotely on this day.

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