Teller Report

"Abu Dhabi Pension Agency" communicates with customers with a "virtual influencer"

10/21/2022, 10:17:43 PM

The Abu Dhabi Pension Fund created the first (a government virtual influencer in the Arab world), with the aim of enhancing the mental image of the Fund among the audience of customers. The Director of the Institutional Communication Department of the Fund, Fatima Al-Sharqi, told "Emirates Today": "Access to the target audience in light of the momentum of modern media."

"Abu Dhabi Pension Agency" communicates with customers with a "virtual influencer"

The default effect is "Rashid".

From the source

The Abu Dhabi Pension Fund created the first (virtual government influencer in the Arab world), with the aim of enhancing the mental image of the Fund among the audience of dealers.

The Director of the Institutional Communication Department of the Fund, Fatima Al-Sharqi, told «Emirates Today»: "Access to the target audience, in light of the momentum of modern media and the diversity of its means, has become a matter that requires thinking and creativity, so it was necessary to search for a different way by which we reach the Fund's clients, including retirees and insured. different age groups and stages, to educate and guide them about their insurance and pension rights, and their obligations.”

And she continued:

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