Teller Report

Suspension of prosecution of US bodyguards for 'assault on Koreans'... suspension of statute of limitations

10/20/2022, 10:10:50 AM

It is known that the Seoul Western District Prosecutor's Office suspended the prosecution last month against Agent A of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Secret Service, who was sent over for assault. Person A is accused of assaulting a Korean man while intoxicated when US President Joe Biden visited Korea in May for the Korea-US summit.

▲ The front of the dormitory during the visit of US President Joe Biden to Korea in May

Prosecutors have suspended the prosecution of a U.S. presidential bodyguard who left the country after being investigated for assaulting a Korean.

It is known that the Seoul Western District Prosecutor's Office suspended the prosecution last month against Agent A of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Secret Service, who was sent over for assault.

Person A is accused of assaulting a Korean man while intoxicated when US President Joe Biden visited Korea in May for the Korea-US summit.

Prosecutors believe that A returned to the United States for the purpose of avoiding punishment.

According to his suspension of prosecution, Mr. A's statute of limitations will be suspended while he is in the United States.

(Photo = Yonhap News)