Teller Report

Most notably, "Pogo"... the potential candidates to succeed Liz Terrace in the leadership of the "Conservatives"

10/20/2022, 6:53:00 PM

The resignation of British Prime Minister Liz Terrace Thursday will lead to an internal Conservative vote by the end of next week. Below are the possible candidates to succeed her. Rishi Sunak, the former finance minister, may be the preferred candidate for Tory MPs, after losing to Lee

Most notably, "Pogo"... the potential candidates to succeed Liz Terrace in the leadership of the "Conservatives"

The resignation of British Prime Minister Liz Terrace Thursday will lead to an internal Conservative vote by the end of next week.

Below are the possible candidates to succeed her.

Rishi Sunak

The former finance minister may be the favorite among Tory MPs, having lost to Liz Truss in the final stage of the party leader's selection process this summer.

The wealthy 42-year-old former banker is seen as the embodiment of the reassuring figure of traditional budget dogma.

During the campaign, he repeatedly argued that unfunded tax cuts risked pushing inflation to a level not seen in decades and undermining market confidence.

Although the facts have proven him right, he is facing a major hindrance that many of Boris Johnson's followers view him as a traitor, after his resignation at the beginning of the summer led to the downfall of the former prime minister.

Jeremy Hunt

 The new finance minister, who took office last Friday, looks like he's been in charge since then, as Liz Terrace has grown weak.

It was he who announced on Monday the fundamental shift in the landscape by reversing nearly all of the Terrace government's tax measures, causing panic in the markets.

The 55-year-old former foreign minister is an experienced figure, but he is not charismatic.

He finally confirmed to the BBC that he did not want to enter a new race for power, after two failures he faced in this field in 2019 and then this summer.

Penny Mordaunt

She was also running against Liz Terrace to succeed Boris Johnson this summer.

The minister currently responsible for relations with Parliament was popular with Tory activists at the start of the campaign.

The 49-year-old former defense minister is known for her charisma.

On Monday she appeared before Parliament, where she represented Terrace against the opposition and confidently defended the change in economic direction, stressing that the prime minister "does not hide under a desk."

Recently, the hypothesis that the competition between Sunak and Mordaunt will be limited to the end has come to the fore.

Boris Johnson

The following scenario has been circulating in the conservative press since the summer: Like a phoenix, former Prime Minister Pogo will return and establish himself as an obvious haven.

The Brexit champ who scored a solid electoral victory at the end of 2019 gave the Conservatives a majority not seen since Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s, but he now faces plenty of hurdles.

One of these obstacles is that his departure, which was forced upon him by a series of scandals that affected him, did not happen for a long time, which puts him partly responsible for the current disaster.

It remains to be seen whether Johnson, 58, will be ready to regain party leadership two years before the legislative elections, as opinion polls show a landslide victory for the Labor opposition.

Ben Wallace

He emerged as a favourite in the recent campaign for the Conservative Party leadership.

And the defense secretary, who chose not to run in order to devote his time to UK security, has seen his name come back to the fore in recent days as a potential party unity figure.

However, Ben Wallace, 52, appears to have ruled out this scenario when he confirmed Tuesday to The Times that he wanted to stay in the defense field.

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