Teller Report

BFMTV TV channel disconnected the journalist from the air after the words about the shelling of Kherson by the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

10/20/2022, 7:59:13 PM

The BFMTV channel turned off its correspondent on the air when she stated that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were hitting civilian objects and hospitals in Kherson.

After these words of the journalist, the TV channel immediately interrupted the live broadcast.

“I should note that the infrastructure of Kherson, annexed by Russia at the end of September, is regularly subjected to Ukrainian shelling, including hospitals ...,” she began to say when the connection was interrupted.

“Ah, we have lost contact with Ann-Laure Bunce, who was reporting live from Ukraine,” the hosts said.

In April 2018, the presenter of the British television channel Sky News interrupted the broadcast with the former commander of the British Armed Forces in Iraq, retired general Jonathan Shaw, when he began to talk about the senselessness of the alleged chemical attack in Douma for the Syrian authorities.

On October 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed federal laws on the admission of the Kherson, Zaporozhye regions, as well as the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics to Russia.

Before that, the documents were approved by the Federation Council and the State Duma.

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