Teller Report

"The Pyramid and the Seven Lines" .. The slogan for the celebration of 50 years of Emirati-Egyptian relations

10/20/2022, 10:11:50 PM

The peoples of Egypt and the Emirates, the leadership, the government and the people, link bridges of love and strong feelings of brotherhood, which were positively reflected on the distinguished relations in various fields. Because the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Emirati-Egyptian relations confirms this concept, it was natural

"The Pyramid and the Seven Lines" .. The slogan for the celebration of 50 years of Emirati-Egyptian relations

It links the peoples of Egypt and the Emirates, leadership, government and people, with bridges of love and strong feelings of brotherhood, which have been positively reflected on the distinguished relations in various fields.

And because the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Emirati-Egyptian relations confirms this concept, it was natural that the slogan carried by the celebration was in harmony with those strong relations between the two countries, so there was no better slogan than a slogan that represented a mixture of the two identities and cultures, represented by the “pyramid.” It is one of the most important tributaries of Egyptian civilization, with the slogan "Seven Lines", which represents the map of the United Arab Emirates.

The "pyramid" is the most important symbol of Egypt, which is replete with many pyramids, in addition to the three pyramids of Giza (Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure), which is the first kiss for tourists coming from outside the country, and the Saqqara pyramid of King Djoser.

The pyramids have been tall for more than 5,000 years, and the Egyptians and Arabs are proud of them, and are keen to visit them, to see the details of this huge building, as well as watch the usual sound and light shows there.

As for the Emirati media identity, it is the fruit of a national project that was launched in 2019 and aims to highlight the identity of the state, consolidate its positive image regionally and internationally, and convey its inspiring story and its continuous journey of determination to the world.

In November of the same year, 49 Emirati creatives from across the country designed three potential logos for the new media identity.

The UAE government called on the public inside and outside the country to participate in voting to choose the logo, which they see as representing the success story of the UAE and its journey for the next fifty years.

The three designs that were voted on set a world record in the voting process, with more than 10 million entries from 185 countries.

In a move that transformed the national project into a global humanitarian initiative, the UAE pledged to plant a tree for every vote on choosing its visual media identity in a number of regions in need around the world.

The "Seven Lines" logo represents the map of the UAE, where the lines, bearing the colors of the UAE flag, are closer to tall pillars and firm pillars, fixed in its land, in a sign that indicates the height of vigor and the acceleration of development, which are seven pillars that constitute seven beacons, and seven founders In appreciation of the seven leaders who united the dreams of the Emirati people under the banner of one flag for a united country.

It is also seven because it symbolizes the union of the seven Emirates.

The combination of these two symbols with all their lofty and well-established connotations in the celebration logo gives an impression that confirms the keenness to strengthen the bonds of bonds and brotherhood between the two countries.

The logo (the pyramid and the seven lines) will be one of the elements of fascination and suspense, within the closing ceremony of the celebration, which will be held at the foot of the pyramids.

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