Teller Report

Five things to do at the Mondial de l'auto if you're not a car fan

10/18/2022, 6:59:34 AM

Cars are not for everyone. But don't worry, at the Paris Motor Show, there's plenty to keep you busy elsewhere

  • From Monday to Sunday, the Mondial de l'Automobile puts down its suitcases - and its cars - in Paris, Porte de Versailles.

    It opens its doors to the public and four-wheeled vehicle enthusiasts this Tuesday.

  • Lack of luck, you too go there when the car does not fascinate you.

  • Don't panic, we've found five activities for you to do there to keep you busy during the day.

From our envoy to the Mondial de l'auto,

You've been pissing off your bitumen-loving friend for years with your passion for rock climbing, corgis, or the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and not a single complaint from him.

So when the latter invited you to accompany him to the Paris Motor Show, open to the public between this Tuesday and next Sunday, you did not dare say no.

Only here, to quote two of our Presidents of the Republic, the car, "it touches you without moving the other", and you are afraid of being bored while your friend is having fun discovering the new hybrid engine X-280.


20 Minutes

, we were able to preview the show on Monday, a day reserved for the press.

And we've unearthed five activities for you to do for the not-really-passionate.

  • Doing karting

After all, even if it means being there, you might as well experience some thrills.

Far from the models that you can only touch with your eyes,

Speed2mix invites

you to grab an electric kart and race on a circuit installed in the heart of the Paris Expo show.

If the vehicles are restricted to around 50 km/h, the circuit remains narrow and the turns steep enough to offer two or three heart palpitations well felt.

Count a few minutes, a lot of laps and very angry overtaking of your rivals.

Don't worry: crashing into a kart is prohibited and results in disqualification.

A rule that one of our colleagues learned the hard way, allowing us not to finish dead last, but to sit proudly in fifth position out of six participants, saving the honor of

20 Minutes


If you are better than us and finish in the top 3, know that the stand offers a podium for glory.

Champagne not provided.

  • Save your leather shoes and your old wooden table

A deal is a deal, even at the Paris Motor Show.

We therefore suggest that you buy a jar of Renapur, made of beeswax and jojoba oil, "a product that is only sold in professional salons and is not commercially available", swears the saleswoman.

As you will have understood, Renapur pots are found here for the leather interior of cars, but nothing prevents you from using them for your shoes, your bags or your furniture.

"On shoes, you have about 500 uses", or once a week a jar that lasts you almost ten years.

The virtues are the same as for any shoe polish: strengthen your leather, make it shine, and with bad weather, make it waterproof.

25 euros the pot, you will not have come to the show for nothing.

  • Find your child's Christmas toy (or yours) at the King Toy stand

Obviously, at the stand itself, you will only find toys dedicated to the world of vehicles - mainly Lego.

We are at the Paris Motor Show.

But the stand offers Christmas catalogs, obviously free, which lists all types of toys, and even leaves a computer available if you are looking for a specific gift.

Comforters, Spider-Man costumes, dinosaur figurines or the unbreakable

Power 4



, more than enough to get away from it all.

  • Learn to drive better with the police

Just because you have little affinity with the car doesn't mean you don't - or never will - need to use it.

You might as well have your back and your driving with the gendarmerie, which offers a driving simulator on its stand.

You can choose a theme as a weak point, for example braking, overtaking, blind spots.

You test the simulator and a sharp policeman then gives you feedback.

"It takes six minutes at most, and the idea is to come out of it with a safer ride," one of them told us.

Due to live hazards, the machine was broken on Monday, but we were promised that it would be repaired on Tuesday (so you forgive us for the lack of a photo).

It's up to you to test your talents and then listen to the advice, because we're all a little fed up with people who don't put on their indicators.

  • Support the fight against genetic diseases

For 5 euros donated to the Imagine Institute, which fights to advance research on genetic diseases, you can try to win a Ferrari Roma.

And since cars don't really interest you, we're talking about a totally disinterested action here.


Sales of electric cars overtook diesel in September, a first


Road safety: Private speed camera cars checked more than 6 million vehicles in 2021

  • Automotive

  • Economy

  • Motor Show

  • Car

  • Driver's license

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