Teller Report

Falcao stops Atlético from a penalty and in discount

10/18/2022, 9:23:47 PM

The Metropolitan held his breath, watching his team suffer before the rise of Rayo Vallecano. Suffer like in the old days, with your head held high. Some snorted...

The Metropolitan held his breath, watching his team suffer before the rise of Rayo Vallecano.

Suffer like in the old days, with your head held high.

Some snorted watching


and Giménez reduce balls,


avoid a frank shot on the edge of the small area.

He struggled looking for that familiar edge of 1-0, but with the 90th minute completed a shot by

Pathé Ciss

hit Giménez in the arm and punished him with a penalty that cost him two points.

Rayo deserved award, which did not stop looking for it.

Brake to the rise of Atlético, which had been picking up speed.

It is no coincidence that this rebirth coincides with the return of the Savic-Giménez couple, finally healthy in unison.

Neither with the best moment of Antoine


in his second life as a rojiblanco.

Some support the foundations, and allow


to occupy his natural position;

and the French work, imagine and mark.

And if he doesn't score like in San Mamés, he makes it, like against Rayo.

The Vallecanos came out with the ambition and self-assurance that Iraola has given them.

They seized the initiative, and that's where they were, when an error at the start cost them a slap.

Álvaro took half a second too long and when he wanted to release her, he found himself ambushed on the flank in front of Griezmann and De Paul.

The Frenchman kept the ball and put a perfect cross in front of the defense that Morata, the fastest at the near post, crossed first away from



If on Saturday Griezmann apologized in the mixed zone, this Tuesday he did it on the pitch, where he is chaining performances that bring him closer to the level he had before his departure to Barcelona.

The Frenchman was hard-working and playful, alternating sacrifice in pressure and some futsal luxury to give shine and clarity to the ball's exit.

He even scored in the final stretch, but a slightly advanced knee deprived him of what would have been the

sentence and the final applause


And that sentence would have been well necessary, because by then Rayo was experiencing its best moment of the game.

Raising the intensity on the wings, well watched again by


and Nahuel Molina (every day a little more settled).

And in the center, with the rojiblanco Sergio Camello as the key.

The youth squad, loaned this year to the neighbour, had some of the best chances for


's men in the second half.

Especially a low shot from the front after having made room for the busiest corridor.

He licked Grbic's goal.

Shortly before, Pathé Ciss had had it coming out of a corner, and shortly after Camello himself was back in the danger zone.

This time with a great maneuver to enable


within the area.

The Colombian barely touched her before Grbic lay at his feet.

Giménez arrived from behind to pass the broom, just as Savic had done a few minutes before in another approach by Álvaro.

There was no more water in the bucket, there was no more ambition in Rayo's chest, who pushed and pushed looking for at least one goal that would give him that tie he knew he deserved.

And it came from a penalty,

from an involuntary error by Giménez

and from a shot by Falcao, who with a red stripe instead of so many, scored again at the Metropolitano.

A fair prize for the Vallecanos, a brake for Atlético de Madrid, who stayed on the verge of that fourth victory in a row in the League.

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  • Atletico Madrid

  • Vallecano Ray