Teller Report

Christoffer Brännberger is suspended after a blow to the neck

10/18/2022, 3:23:24 PM

Önnered player Christoffer Brännberger is suspended for eleven games. This after a blow to the neck of opponent Charles Hugoson in the match against HK Malmö. - This is a particularly serious case where violence was used in connection with sports, says chairman of the disciplinary committee at the Swedish Handball Association, Pierre Grubbström, to GP.

It was in the match on 8 October that Christoffer Brännberger received a red card after an incident with opponent Charles Hugoson.

The winger Hugoson ran into the middle where Brännberger stopped him with a hand that hit his neck and the Malmö player fell to the ground.

The matter went to the disciplinary board, which has now decided that Brännberger will receive an 11-game suspension in the Handball League.

- This is a particularly serious case where violence has been practiced in connection with sports where the blow lands.

The board has decided that it is an aggravating circumstance that the player has been repeatedly punished in cases of a similar nature.

It is close enough in time for it to be an aggravating circumstance, says chairman of the disciplinary committee at the Swedish Handball Association, Pierre Grubbström to GP.

Önnered has chosen to appeal the decision to the National Sports Committee.

Brännbeger himself believes that the punishment is too harsh.

- Such situations will arise in all teams.

Had they been able to prove that I do it deliberately, I would have accepted it (the punishment ed. note) but it is quite obvious in this case that I do not know what the outcome will be, he says.