Teller Report

After the tragedy: Now the arena is being demolished

10/18/2022, 4:17:42 PM

After the tragedy where nearly 130 people died during a soccer match in Indonesia, the arena where the incident occurred is now to be demolished. The BBC reports.

The announcement came after Indonesian President Joko Widodo had a meeting with Fifa President Gianni Infantino on Tuesday.

Indonesia will host the U20 World Cup in 2023, and now the Kanjuruhan stadium is to be rebuilt in accordance with safety standards set by Fifa, which it was not before.

A joint working group between Fifa and Indonesia will also be formed to guarantee security during the championship.

“This is a football country, a country where football is a passion for over 100 million people.

We owe it to them that when they watch a match they are safe and secure," said Widodo, according to the BBC.

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Many of the dead were trampled to death according to the police.

Photo: Yudha Prabowo/EPA/TT

Cut: Close to 130 dead in violence after football match