Teller Report

Uganda decrees a 21-day confinement in two cities to stop the Ebola outbreak that already adds 19 dead

10/17/2022, 3:12:16 PM

The President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, has decreed this Saturday a 21-day confinement in the cities of Mubende and Kasanda in order to stop the latest outbreak of...

The President of



Yoweri Museveni

, has decreed this Saturday a 21-day confinement in the cities of




in order to stop the latest


outbreak for which

19 people have died

while another

58 positive cases

have been registered .


has banned travel to or from these regions in a televised speech, according to the

Daily Monitor



have also been established

from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

At the moment, the measure has not affected schools, which will continue to be open with prevention protocols, although the president has asked that anyone with symptoms remain at home and notify a doctor who can proceed with their evaluation.

Instead, places of worship and entertainment will close their doors during these 21 days and burials will be carried out by "health workers" whether or not they have died as a result of the contagious disease, Museveni explained in his speech.

These restrictions come after an order was given on Thursday that healers stop treating Ebola patients and asked the population to go to medical centers in case they suspect they might have been infected.

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  • Ebola

  • Infectious diseases

  • Africa