Teller Report

"The Greek Wall" against which so much hope was shattered

10/13/2022, 11:42:59 AM

"The Greek Wall" by Nicolas Verdan was published in October 2022 by L'Atalante Favorite readings are something to share. Our community recommends a new book every day. Today, "The Greek Wall" by Nicolas Verdan, published on October 6, 2022 by L'Atalante. Christian Dorsan, novelist, blogger and contributor to the 20 Minutes Books reading group , recommends Le Mur Grec by Nicolas Verdan, published on October 6, 2022 by L'Atalante. His favorite quote: There comes, from this

  • Favorite readings are something to share.

  • Our community recommends a new book every day.

  • Today, "The Greek Wall" by Nicolas Verdan, published on October 6, 2022 by L'Atalante.

Christian Dorsan, novelist, blogger and contributor to the 20 Minutes

Books reading group

, recommends

Le Mur Grec

by Nicolas Verdan, published on October 6, 2022 by L'Atalante.

His favorite quote:

There comes, from this side of the world, a suffering.

Every night, it insinuates itself silently into the course of the Evros, before spreading in the fields, at dawn, its transparent seeds in the light of the other bank.

Why this book?

  • Because L'Atalante has the good idea

    to highlight different writings, voices with accents to make us travel in the dark of other countries and for this ambition,

    Le Mur Grec

    is a real good surprise.

  • Because in this novel, the author explains to us

    the particular condition of Greece at the time of the financial crisis and the repression of the demonstrations.

    The author inserts into this real political crisis, a fictional news item that can serve the government during negotiations with Europe.

    A thriller where human traffickers and high spheres of influence rub shoulders without ever meeting.

  • Because there are all these human stories:

    prostitutes cloistered in unsanitary brothels, drugged and raped, migrants, exhausted, having managed to cross the border river at night, chaotic trajectories and Athens, with its past dictatorial, its present in full crisis, its streets which go down as one slides down a toboggan, its particular nocturnal atmosphere and the Greek people who are tired of not being heard and tired of being fooled by corrupt politicians.

The essentials in 2 minutes

The plot.

On the banks of the Evros, a border river between Greece and Turkey, the police discovered the head of a man.

Agent Evangelos, a member of intelligence and close to retirement, goes on the spot to investigate with instructions to stifle the affair.


Evangelos intelligence agent nearing retirement, German businessman Nikolaus Strom and his partner Christina Lazaridou, Russian prostitute Polina, Lieutenant Anastasis from Alexandroupolis, businessman Barbaros, Frontex border guards and migrants.


Alexandroupolis and the border area of ​​Evros, Athens.

The time.

From December 2010 to January 2011

The author.

Author Nicolas Verdan is a freelance Swiss journalist.

He lives between Switzerland and Greece, his homeland.

This book was read with

delight, knowing Athens, I found everything I like about the Greeks: the passage of time, the fatality of the present and the stories that are part of a duration that seems eternal.

The author's style is incredibly captivating, we feel a feather in love with this country.

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