Teller Report

Elon Musk accuses 'neo-Marxist' ideology of enlisting his daughter

10/11/2022, 11:29:08 AM

The young woman decided to completely cut ties with her father several months ago "Anyway, it's because of the communists." This is essentially Elon Musk's response when asked why his relationship with his daughter has deteriorated to the point that the latter no longer wants to be considered part of his family. While Vivian Jenna Wilson recently asked the courts to recognize her gender change and announced that she wanted to distance herself from her father, the billionaire w

"Anyway, it's because of the communists."

This is essentially Elon Musk's response when asked why his relationship with his daughter has deteriorated to the point that the latter no longer wants to be considered part of his family.

While Vivian Jenna Wilson recently asked the courts to recognize her gender change and announced that she wanted to distance herself from her father, the billionaire was interviewed by the

Financial Times


And his answer will not really surprise those who follow his evolution, in recent years, towards the far right.

The boss of Tesla and SpaceX indeed claims that if his daughter has moved away from him, it is because of the “neo-Marxist” ideology which is rampant on social networks but especially in elite universities.

It would have driven a wedge between him and his child.

“It's total communism and a general feeling that if you're rich, you're bad.

It may change, but I have a very good relationship with all my other children.

You can't succeed every time,” he told the newspaper.

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Vivian Wilson is one of six children of Elon Musk and Justine Wilson, to whom he was married between 2000 and 2008. The billionaire also had two other children with singer Grimes, and twins with his collaborator Shivon Zilis.

Elon Musk has recently come under fire for his comments on transgenderism.

He said in a tweet that he thought the use of "pronouns was an aesthetic nightmare."

However, he spoke “absolutely for” the rights of trans people.


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