Teller Report

[Xiaoxin's Vlog] Come to Changsha to experience a one-stop "tour" of 37 African video

10/11/2022, 10:22:38 AM

[Xiaoxin's Vlog] Come to Changsha to experience a one-stop "tour" of 37 African countries   Drink a cup of Ethiopian coffee, put on a dazzling array of African gems, and feel the unique style from the African savannah... In the Changsha China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Innovation Demonstration Park, one-stop "tour" to 37 African countries is not a dream. The Yuhua Block of Changsha Area of ​​China (Hunan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, where the China-Africa Economic and T

  Drink a cup of Ethiopian coffee, put on a dazzling array of African gems, and feel the unique style from the African savannah... In the Changsha China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Innovation Demonstration Park, one-stop "tour" to 37 African countries is not a dream.

The Yuhua Block of Changsha Area of ​​China (Hunan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, where the China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Innovation Demonstration Park is located, is the core area of ​​the China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Pilot Zone.

Since the Hunan Free Trade Zone was approved in September 2020, it has attracted 9,100 market players to settle here with its "small size" of 0.6 square kilometers.

  With the pioneering exploration of barter trade with Africa in Hunan Province and the establishment of the China-Africa Cross-border RMB Center, coupled with the one-stop supporting services provided for traders, the China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Innovation Demonstration Park is open and inclusive. The picture is slowly being drawn: flowers from Kenya can be delivered to Changsha in the fastest 14 hours; African youth can buy Chinese products without leaving their homes; Ethiopian coffee is becoming a new consumption choice for Chinese youth... 10 import and export industrial chains including coffee, cocoa, cashew nuts, hardware, and small agricultural machinery have been formed, bringing more convenient shopping experience to the people of China and Africa.

(Xu Zhixiong, Guan Ziwen, Li Yingzhi)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]