Teller Report

Watch.. a cannabis farm in the mansion of a former Liverpool player

10/10/2022, 7:45:59 PM

British police are investigating former English player Jermaine Pennant, who played for Arsenal and Liverpool, after a "YouTuber" accidentally discovered a marijuana farm in his mansion.

British police are investigating former English player Jermaine Pennant, who played for Arsenal, Liverpool and other European teams, after a "YouTuber" accidentally discovered a marijuana farm in his mansion.

Pennant, who bought the house for more than 3 million euros in 2006 when he was playing for Liverpool, said he was shocked by the discovery.

The mansion, which was built in 1930 and has a pool, tennis court, jacuzzi and indoor pool, has been uninhabited since Pennant separated in 2020, according to the British newspaper, The Sun.

The Daily Mail reported that a drug gang had occupied Pennant's mansion and turned it into a center for their illegal activities.

The marijuana plantation in the Benignite Palace was discovered by chance by a British YouTuber named Luca Venteros, who infiltrated the palace to shoot and share a video on his own account.

"We just broke into a huge cannabis farm growing in the house of a former football player. This is Jermaine Pennant's house, mountains of cannabis are everywhere," he said in the video. "There are a lot of things that smell bad," he said in the video.

Pictures show electrical installations, dozens of flower pots, smoking marijuana tools, hooded windows, black bags of marijuana and materials for growing and storing cannabis.